- Aalder Island
- Aalders Lang Meadow
- Abbiecombec Marshes
- Abbotts Harbour Island
- Abbotts Point
- Abercrombie
- Abercrombie Point
- Abercrombie Wildlife Management Area
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen Beach
- Abrams River
- Absalom Point
- Abundance Rock
- Acaciaville
- Academy
- Acadia Square (historical)
- Ace Hill Island
- Aconi Island
- Adamant Rock
- Adamant Shoal
- Adams Island
- Adams Island
- Adams Ledge
- Adams Point
- Addington Forks
- Admiral Rock
- Admiralty House (historical)
- Advocate Harbour
- Aenon Baptist Church
- Afton
- Agen Point
- Ainslie Glen
- Ainslie Point
- Air Force Island
- Alba
- Albany
- Albany Cross
- Albert Bridge
- Albro Lake
- Albro Lake Beach
- Alcor Rock
- Alder Ground
- Alder Point
- Alder Point
- Alder River
- Aldershot
- Aldershot Range and Training Area
- Aldersville
- Alex Gillis Island
- Alex Snows Hay Meadow
- Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site of Canada
- Algerine Shore
- Alick Island
- Alicks Rock
- Allains Creek
- Allan J. MacEachen Port Hawkesbury Airport
- Allans Point
- Allen Flats
- Allen Heights
- Allen Hill
- Allen Hill
- Allen Meadows
- Allen Point
- Allen Rock
- Allendale
- Alma
- Almons Point
- Alpena
- Alpine Ridge
- Alton
- Ambers Island
- Ambrose Rock
- Amelia Point
- American Hill
- Amet Island
- Amet Island Shoals
- Amet Spit
- Amherst
- Amherst Head
- Amherst Point
- Amherst Point
- Amherst Point Bird Sanctuary
- Amherst Range
- Amherst Shore
- Amiraults Corner
- Amiraults Hill
- Amos Island
- Anatoles Point
- Anchor Rock
- Anchor Shoal
- Anderson Intervale
- Anderson Islands
- Anderson Mountain
- Anderson Mountain
- Andersons Back Shore
- Andersons Bluff
- Andersons Point
- Andrew Island
- Andrews Head
- Andrews Island
- Andrews Island
- Andrews Mountain
- Andrews Point
- Andrews Shoal
- Andrews Spit
- Andys Point
- Angel Point
- Angels Island
- Angus Shoal
- Annabelle Blacks Point
- Annapolis Basin Look Off Provincial Park
- Annapolis County Rail Trail
- Annapolis County Rail Trail
- Annapolis Royal
- Annapolis Valley Regional Library
- Annexe côtière du parc national Kejimkujik
- Anns Island
- Anse aux Cannes Hole
- Anthony Provincial Park
- Anthonys Nose
- Antigonish
- Antigonish Harbour
- Antigonish Landing
- Antigonish Wildlife Management Area
- Antrim
- Apple Head
- Apple Island
- Apple Island
- Apple River
- Apple Rock
- Apps Island
- Apron Rock
- Arcadia
- Archibald's Wharf (historical)
- Archibalds Mill
- Archibalds Point
- Archibalds Point
- Archies Island
- Archies Point
- Ardness
- Ardoise
- Ardoise Hill
- Arenburg Island
- Arenburgs Meadows
- Argos Shoal
- Argyle
- Argyle
- Argyle Head
- Argyle Sound
- Arichat
- Arichat Head
- Arisaig
- Arisaig Point
- Arisaig Provincial Park
- Arlington
- Arlington West
- Arm Hill
- Armdale
- Armstrong Point
- Armstrongs Island
- Army Museum Halifax Citadel
- Arnold
- Arnold Point
- Arnold Point
- Arnold Rock
- Arnold Shoal
- Arnolds Shoal
- Arrow Point
- Arsenaults Hill
- Arthurs Point
- Arties Island
- Arts Island
- Ashby
- Ashdale
- Ashdale
- Ashfield
- Ashmore
- Askilton
- Aspen
- Aspotogan
- Aspotogan Mountain
- Aspotogan Peninsula
- Aspy Bay
- Ass Point
- Athol
- Athol Road
- Athol Station
- Atkins Meadows
- Atkins Point
- Atkinson
- Atlanta
- Atlantic
- Atlantic Food and Horticultural Centre
- Atlantic Seaside
- Atwoods Brook
- Auburn
- Auburndale
- Aulds Cove
- Aulds Mountain
- Aulds Point
- Aulenbach Point
- Aunt Edies Ledge
- Avery Shoal
- Avondale
- Avondale
- Avondale Station
- Avonport
- Avonport Station
- Awkward Ledge
- Ayles Shoal
- Aylesford
- Aylesford East
- Aylesford Mountain
- Aylesford Plain
- Babin Point
- Babin Shoal
- Baccaro
- Baccaro Point
- Baccaro Point Lighthouse
- Back Beach
- Back Beach
- Back Beach
- Back Centre
- Back Settlement
- Back Shore
- Back Shore
- Backbone Hill
- Backhouse Shore
- Backmans Beach
- Backmans Head
- Backmans Island
- Backmans Island
- Backmans Shoal
- Bad Luck Shoal
- Bad Neighbour Shoal
- Bad Neighbour Shoal
- Baddeck
- Baddeck Bay
- Baddeck Bridge
- Baileys Brook
- Bakeapple Barren
- Bakeapple Glade
- Baker Point
- Baker Point
- Bakers Hill
- Bakers Island
- Bakers Island
- Bakers Island
- Bakers Point
- Bakers Settlement
- Balache Point
- Balache Rock
- Balcom Island
- Balcom Shoal
- Bald Cliff
- Bald Harbour Islands
- Bald Head
- Bald Island
- Bald Island
- Bald Island Shoal
- Bald Islands
- Bald Mountain
- Bald Mountain
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock
- Bald Rock Bull
- Bald Rock Head
- Bald Thrum
- Baldy
- Baleine
- Baleine Head
- Balfron
- Ball Bar
- Ball Island
- Ball Ledge
- Ball Rock
- Ball Rock
- Ball Rock
- Ball Rock Shoal
- Ballam Shoal
- Ballams Point
- Ballantynes Cove
- Ballast Ground
- Ballast Island
- Ballast Shoal
- Ballast Wall Shoal
- Ballou Point
- Balls Creek
- Balmoral
- Balmoral Mills
- Baltee Head
- Baltee Island
- Baltee Point
- Baltee Shoal
- Banges Point
- Bangor
- Bangs Falls
- Bantam
- Bantam Rocks
- Bantam Shoal
- Baptiste Island
- Bar Cape
- Bar Island
- Bar Island
- Bar Island
- Bar Point
- Bar Point
- Bar Point
- Bar Rock
- Bar Shoal
- Barachois Bar
- Barachois Head
- Barachois Island
- Barachois Point
- Barachois Point
- Barachois Shoal
- Bare Hill
- Bare Hill
- Bare Island
- Bark Island
- Barkhouse Meadow
- Barkhouse Settlement
- Barney Ledge
- Barney Point
- Barneys Beach
- Barneys Brook
- Barneys Point
- Barneys River Station
- Barr Settlement
- Barra Glen
- Barra Head
- Barra Shoal
- Barrachois
- Barrachois
- Barrachois Harbour
- Barrachois Provincial Park
- Barracks (abandonned)
- Barre à Church Point
- Barre à Doucet
- Barre à Tico
- Barre au Chat
- Barre au Saumon
- Barrel Point
- Barrel Rock
- Barrel Rock
- Barren Hill
- Barren Island
- Barren Island
- Barren Point
- Barren Shore
- Barres à Pointe Noire
- Barrie Beach
- Barrington
- Barrington Head
- Barrington Passage
- Barrington West
- Barrios Beach
- Barrios Head
- Barronsfield
- Barrys Corner
- Barrys Rock
- Barse Ground
- Barse Rock
- Barse Rock
- Barse Rock
- Barss Corner
- Barstone
- Bartar Rocks
- Barteaux Meadows
- Bartlett Island
- Bartletts Beach
- Bartletts Ledge
- Bartletts Shoal
- Barton
- Base des Forces canadiennes Greenwood
- Base des Forces canadiennes Halifax
- Base Line Road
- Basin Road
- Basin Rock
- Basque Island
- Basque Islands
- Basque Shoal
- Bass Island
- Bass River
- Bass Rock
- Bastard
- Bateston
- Battery Island
- Battery Island
- Battery Island Breakers
- Battery Point
- Battery Point
- Battery Point
- Battery Point
- Battery Point
- Battery Point
- Battery Point
- Battery Point Beach
- Battery Point Lighthouse
- Battery Provincial Park
- Battery Shoal
- Baxters Harbour
- Bay Road Valley
- Bay Shoal
- Bay Shoal
- Bay St. Lawrence
- Bay View
- Bay View
- Bayers Islands
- Bayers Point
- Bayfield
- Bayfield Beach
- Bayhead
- Bayport
- Bayside
- Bayswater
- Bayswater Beach
- Bayswater Beach Provincial Park
- Beach Cove Shoal
- Beach Islands
- Beach Meadows
- Beach Meadows Beach
- Beach Point
- Beach Point
- Beach Point
- Beach Point
- Beach Point
- Beach Point
- Beach Point Lighthouse
- Beachgrass Head
- Beachgrass Head Rock
- Beacon Ledges
- Beacon Ledges
- Beacon Shoal
- Beaconsfield
- Beals Island
- Beals Meadows
- Beamans Mountain
- Bear Cove
- Bear Cove
- Bear Cove Point
- Bear Cove Point
- Bear Head
- Bear Hill
- Bear Hill
- Bear Hill
- Bear Hill
- Bear Island
- Bear Island
- Bear Island
- Bear Island
- Bear Island
- Bear Island
- Bear Island
- Bear Island
- Bear Meadow
- Bear Point
- Bear Point
- Bear Point
- Bear Point
- Bear Point Thrums
- Bear River
- Bear River 6
- Bear River 6A
- Bear River 6B
- Bear River East
- Bear River Station
- Bear Rock
- Bear Shoal
- Bear Swamp
- Bear Trap Head
- Bear Trap Ledge
- Bearden Barrens
- Beartrap Swamp
- Beaton Point
- Beatons Meadow
- Beatons Mountain
- Beatson Rocks
- Beauly
- Beaver Bank
- Beaver Bank Villa
- Beaver Bluff
- Beaver Brook
- Beaver Cove
- Beaver Harbour
- Beaver Island
- Beaver Island
- Beaver Island
- Beaver Island
- Beaver Island Lighthouse
- Beaver Island, N. S.
- Beaver Lake 17
- Beaver Meadow
- Beaver Meadow
- Beaver Meadow
- Beaver Mountain
- Beaver Mountain Provincial Park
- Beaver Point
- Beaver River
- Beaver Tail
- Beaverdam Meadows
- Beaverhouse Point
- Beckwith
- Bedford
- Bedford Range
- Bee Island
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill
- Beech Hill Farms
- Beecham Settlement
- Beechmont
- Beechmont North
- Beechville
- Beechwood Park
- Beeswangers Point
- Begg Point
- Beinn Bhreagh
- Beinn Bhreagh
- Beinn Scalpie
- Beinn Scalpie
- Bel Ayr Park
- Belcher Street
- Belfry Beach
- Belfry Head
- Belgiumtown
- Bell Island
- Bell Island
- Bell Neck
- Bell Point
- Bell Rock
- Bell Rock
- Bell Rock
- Bell Rock Island
- Bella Island
- Bella Shoal
- Bella Spit
- Belle Côte Beach
- Belle-Marche
- Belleisle
- Belleville
- Belleville North
- Belleville South
- Belliveaus Cove
- Bellows Island
- Bells Point
- Bells Point
- Belmont
- Belmont
- Belnan
- Ben Eoin
- Ben Eoin Provincial Park
- Ben Mason Shoal
- Ben Smith Meadow
- Benacadie
- Benacadie Point
- Benacadie Pond
- Benacadie West
- Bend Breaker
- Benham Island
- Benjamin Bridge
- Benjamins Mill
- Benjamins Point
- Bennett Hill
- Benoit Island
- Benoit Island
- Benoits Island
- Benoits Ledge
- Bens Beach
- Bentinck Point
- Bentinck Shoals
- Bentley Meadows
- Benvie Mountain
- Bergmans Point
- Berichan
- Bernard Island
- Berrigans Island
- Berrigans Ledges
- Berry Head
- Berry Island
- Berwick
- Berwick North
- Berwick West
- Bethels Point
- Bethels Point
- Bethunes Island
- Betsys Beach
- Betsys Point
- Betts Ground
- Betts Point
- Betty Hill
- Betty Island
- Betty Island
- Bevis Point
- Bewes Shoal
- Bezansons Beach
- Bible Hill
- Bickerton Island
- Bickerton West
- Big Arrow Rock
- Big Baddeck
- Big Ball Rock
- Big Bank
- Big Barren
- Big Barren
- Big Beach
- Big Beach
- Big Beach
- Big Beach
- Big Bras d'Or
- Big Brook
- Big Brook
- Big Brook
- Big Brother Island
- Big Cat Island
- Big Chain Island
- Big Cook Island
- Big Cranberry Island
- Big Crow Island
- Big Dick
- Big Dick Rock
- Big Duck Island
- Big Farm
- Big Fish Island
- Big Fish Island
- Big Fish Rocks
- Big Fish Shoal
- Big Fish Shoal
- Big Flat Rock
- Big Glace Bay
- Big Glace Bay Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Big Glen
- Big Glen
- Big Glode Island
- Big Goat Rock
- Big Gooseberry Island
- Big Gooseberry Island
- Big Gooseberry Island
- Big Grappling Beach
- Big Gun Mountain
- Big Guzzle Island
- Big Halibut Island
- Big Harbour
- Big Harbour Centre
- Big Harbour Island
- Big Harbour Island
- Big Harbour Island
- Big Hardwood Portage
- Big Hawbolt Shoal
- Big Head
- Big Head
- Big Head
- Big Head Breakers
- Big Head Rock
- Big Henrys Island
- Big Hill
- Big Hill
- Big Hill
- Big Hill
- Big Hurley Shoal
- Big Indian Point
- Big Intervale
- Big Intervale
- Big Intervale Cape North
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island Beach
- Big Island Shoal
- Big La Mouna Island
- Big Lake Hill
- Big Ledge
- Big Ledge
- Big Ledge
- Big Ledge
- Big Ledge
- Big Ledge
- Big Ledge
- Big Ledge
- Big Ledge
- Big Ledges
- Big Lorraine
- Big Lots
- Big Lots Hill
- Big Marsh
- Big Marsh
- Big Meadow
- Big Merigomish Island
- Big Milightie Island
- Big Mountain
- Big Muise Island
- Big Plain
- Big Plains
- Big Pond
- Big Pond Centre
- Big Ridge
- Big Ridge
- Big Ridge South
- Big Rocky Island
- Big Rorys Point
- Big Shoal
- Big Shoal
- Big Shoal
- Big Shoal
- Big Shoal
- Big Shoal
- Big Shoal
- Big Shoal
- Big Shoal
- Big Shoal
- Big Swales
- Big Sweat Island
- Big Tancook Island
- Big Thrum
- Big Thrumcap
- Big Timber Island
- Big Tobacco Rock
- Big Tracadie
- Big Tusket Island
- Big Ward Brook Meadow
- Bigby Head
- Bigfish Shoal
- Bigney
- Bijou Rocks
- Bilbys Beach
- Bill Giffin Shoal
- Bill Kenneys Point
- Bill Myer Shoal
- Bills Island
- Bills Island
- Bills Point
- Billtown
- Billys Hill
- Billys Island
- Bingly Shoal
- Birch Cove
- Birch Cove Head
- Birch Cove Park
- Birch Grove
- Birch Head
- Birch Head
- Birch Hill
- Birch Hill
- Birch Hill
- Birch Hill
- Birch Hill
- Birch Hill
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Plain
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Shoal
- Birch Shoal
- Birch Tree Hill
- Birchtown
- Birchwood
- Birchy Head
- Birchy Head
- Bird Island
- Bird Islands
- Bird Islands
- Bird Islands Breakers
- Bird Point
- Bird Rock
- Bird Rock
- Bird Shoals
- Bishopville
- Bissett Island
- Black Avon
- Black Breaker Rock
- Black Brook
- Black Brook Meadows
- Black Brook Mountain
- Black Bull
- Black Cliffs
- Black Duck Cove Ledges
- Black Duck Island
- Black Duck Island
- Black Duck Island
- Black Duck Island
- Black Georges Savannah
- Black Gully
- Black Head
- Black Head
- Black Head
- Black Head Shoal
- Black Island
- Black Island
- Black Island
- Black Island
- Black Island
- Black Island
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledge
- Black Ledges
- Black Peg
- Black Peg Shoal
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point
- Black Point Beach
- Black Point Ledge
- Black Point Ledges
- Black Point Rock
- Black Point Shoal
- Black Prince
- Black River
- Black River
- Black River
- Black River Road
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock
- Black Rock Light
- Black Rock Point
- Black Rock Point
- Black Rock Shoal
- Black Rock Shoal
- Black Rock Woods
- Black Rocks
- Black Rocks
- Black Rocks
- Black Rocks
- Black Rocks
- Black Rocks Shoal
- Black Shoal
- Black Spruce Hill
- Black Swamp
- Blackberry Hill
- Blackberry Island
- Blackberry Island
- Blackbill Point
- Blackburns Rock
- Blacketts Lake
- Blackhole Meadow
- Blackies Meadow
- Blackman Shoal
- Blackmans Island
- Blackrock Point
- Blackrock Point
- Blacks Dam Meadow
- Blacksmith Point
- Blacksmiths Beach
- Blackstone
- Blair House Museum
- Blanchard Road
- Blanche
- Blanche Beach
- Blanche Island
- Blanche Island Bar
- Blanche Point
- Blandford
- Blandford Game Sanctuary
- Blandford Shoal
- Blind Dick
- Blind Point
- Blind Point
- Blind Sister
- Blind Tom
- Blockhouse
- Blockhouse Hill
- Blockhouse Hill
- Blockhouse Point
- Blockhouse Point
- Blomidon
- Blomidon Peninsula
- Blomidon Provincial Park
- Bloomfield
- Bloomington
- Blow Breaker
- Blowmedown
- Blue Beach
- Blue Hill
- Blue Hill
- Blue Island
- Blue Joint Meadow
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Mountain Hill
- Blue Mountains
- Blue Nose Point
- Blue Point
- Blue Rocks
- Blue Rocks Island
- Blue Sac Road
- Blue Sea Corner
- Blueberry Barren
- Blueberry Island
- Blueberry Island
- Blueberry Point
- Bluegrass Meadow
- Blues Mills
- Bluff Head
- Bluff Head
- Bluff Head
- Bluff Head
- Bluff Head
- Bluff Island
- Bluff Point
- Bluff Shoal
- Board Islands
- Boars Back
- Boars Back Ridge
- Boars Head
- Boars Head
- Boars Head Lighthouse
- Boarsback
- Boat Harbour West 37
- Bob and Joan Meadow
- Bobbys Ledge
- Bobs Bluff
- Bobs Meadow
- Bobs Rock
- Bobs Rock
- Bobs Shoal
- Bog Meadows
- Bohakers Island
- Boiler Point
- Boisdale
- Boisdale Hills
- Bollong Point
- Bonar Head
- Bonar Rock
- Bonds Island
- Bonds Island
- Bonds Meadow
- Bone Island
- Bones Ledge
- Bones Ledge Beach
- Bonona Rock
- Bony Point
- Boom Island
- Boom Rock
- Boom Shoal
- Boot Island
- Boot Island National Wildlife Area
- Bootes Bank
- Bordens Head
- Borgels Island
- Borgels Point
- Borgels Point
- Borgles Bluff
- Borgles Island
- Borgles Shoal
- Borneo
- Bosdet Point
- Boson Island
- Boss Point
- Boss Point
- Boss Spit
- Bosse à Christine
- Bosse à Jean
- Bottle Head
- Boudreaus Hill
- Boudreaus Island
- Boudreaus Island
- Boudreaus Rock
- Boudreauville
- Boularderie
- Boularderie Centre
- Boularderie east
- Boularderie East
- Boularderie Island
- Boularderie West
- Boulderwood
- Bourques Island
- Boutilier Island
- Boutiliers Point
- Boutiliers Point
- Boutiliers Point
- Bowen Island
- Bowens Island
- Bowens Ledge
- Bowens Rock
- Bowers Meadows
- Bowl Island
- Bowles Mountain
- Bowles Point
- Bowman Bank
- Bowman Head
- Boxing Rock
- Boyds Beach
- Boyles Hill
- Boylston
- Boylston Provincial Park
- Bracketts Beach
- Bradleys Meadow
- Braeshore
- Bramber
- Branch LaHave
- Branch Meadows
- Branch Neck
- Brandy Ground
- Brandy Island
- Brandy Ledge
- Brant Ledges
- Brant Thrum
- Bras d'Or
- Bras d'Or Lookoff
- Brass Hill
- Brazil Lake
- Brazil Rock
- Brazil Rocks
- Breac Brook
- Breading Point
- Breadloaf Point
- Break Rock
- Breakfast Island
- Breakfast Island
- Breakheart Hill
- Breens Beach
- Brennans Island
- Brenton
- Brentwood
- Breton Cove
- Breton Cove Point
- Brian Point
- Briands Island
- Brians Meadow
- Briar Island
- Briar Island
- Briar Lake
- Brick Hill
- Brick Kiln
- Brick Kiln Ledges
- Brickery Point
- Brickton
- Brickyard Point
- Brickyard Point
- Brickyard Road
- Bridgeport
- Bridgetown
- Bridgeview
- Bridgeville
- Bridgewater
- Bridgewater Mall
- Bridgewater Memorial Arena
- Brier Island
- Brier Island Lighthouse
- Brier Island Southwest Ledge
- Brierly Brook
- Brierly Brook Back Road
- Brig Georges Ledge
- Brig Point
- Brig Point
- Brig Rock
- Brig Rock
- Brig Shoal
- Brigadoon Village
- Brighton
- Brighton
- Brightwood Golf & Country Club
- Brimstone Head
- Bristol
- Britons Shoal
- Broad Bank
- Broad Breaker
- Broad Breaker
- Broad Cove
- Broad Cove Banks
- Broad Cove Beach
- Broad Cove Chapel
- Broad Cove Head
- Broad Cove Marsh
- Broad Cove Mountain
- Broad Cove Shoals
- Broad River Head
- Broad Rock
- Broad Shoal
- Broad Shoal
- Broad Shoal
- Broad Shoal
- Broadway
- Brodie Point
- Brodie Rocks
- Broken Grounds
- Brokenback Island
- Brook Islands
- Brook Point
- Brook Point
- Brook Road
- Brook Village
- Brookdale
- Brookfield
- Brookland
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Corner
- Brooklyn Street
- Brooks Beach
- Brooks Island
- Brookside
- Brookside
- Brookvale
- Brookville
- Brookville
- Broomstick Island
- Brophy
- Brother Islands
- Brother Rocks
- Broughton
- Brow Rock
- Brown Hill
- Brown Islands
- Brown Islands
- Brown Point
- Browners Point
- Browns Bank
- Browns Mountain
- Browns Point
- Browns Point
- Brownsville
- Bruce Island
- Bruce Plain
- Bruhm Island
- Brule
- Brule Corner
- Brule Point
- Brule Point
- Brûlé Point
- Brule Shoals
- Brule Shore
- Brule Street Park
- Brushy Hill
- Brushy Hill
- Buchanans Mountain
- Buckfield
- Bucklaw
- Buckleys Corner
- Buckleys Hill
- Bucktagen Barrens
- Buckwheat Corner
- Budget Rock
- Budget Rock
- Bull Bank
- Bull Beach
- Bull Bluff
- Bull Head
- Bull Hill
- Bull Hill
- Bull Hill
- Bull Hill
- Bull Island
- Bull Meadow Mountain
- Bull Point
- Bull Point
- Bull Ridge
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock
- Bull Rock Point
- Bull Shoal
- Bulls Gut Island
- Bulls Head
- Bulls Point
- Bulmer Meadow
- Bumbo Island
- Bunker Hill
- Bunker Island
- Burchells Point
- Burgess Rock
- Burhoe Meadow
- Burke Head
- Burke Point
- Burke Shoal
- Burkes Point
- Burkes Point
- Burkes Point
- Burkes Rock
- Burks Point
- Burlington
- Burnaby Meadow
- Burns Bank
- Burns Point
- Burns Point
- Burns Point
- Burns Point
- Burns Point
- Burns Point
- Burns Rock
- Burnside
- Burnside
- Burnt Blanket Hill
- Burnt Head
- Burnt Head
- Burnt Head
- Burnt Head
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Point
- Burnt Point
- Burnt Point
- Burnt Point
- Burnt Point
- Burnt Point
- Burnt Shoal
- Burntcoat
- Burntcoat Head
- Burrills Point
- Burtons
- Burying Ground Point
- Burying Head
- Burying Island
- Bush Island
- Bush Island
- Bushen Island
- Bushy Ledge
- Bushy Point
- Butcher Hill
- Butler Hill
- Butter Island
- Butter Island
- Byron Island
- Cabbage Garden Shoals
- Cabbage Island
- Cable Island
- Cable Point
- Cabot's Landing Provincial Park
- Cage Shoal
- Cahoon Island
- Cailleux Hill
- Cains Mountain
- Cains Mountain
- Caledonia
- Caledonia
- Caledonia
- Caledonia Mills
- Calf Island
- Calf Island
- Calf Island
- Calf Island
- Calf Island
- Calf Island
- Calf Island
- Calf Island
- Calf Island Shoal
- Calf Ledge
- Calf Ledge
- Calf Marsh Shoal
- Calf Point
- Calf Point
- Calf Rock
- Calf Rock
- Calf Rock
- Callaghan Meadows
- Callahan Island
- Calling Meadows
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge 32
- Cambridge Flats
- Cambridge Station
- Camden
- Cameron Beach
- Cameron Beach
- Cameron Island
- Cameron Lake
- Cameron Point
- Cameron Settlement
- Cameron Shoal
- Camerons Brook Provincial Park
- Camerons Island
- Camerons Mountain
- Camerons Mountain
- Camerons Point
- Camp Hill (historical)
- Camp Hill Cemetery
- Camp Island
- Camp Island
- Camp Island
- Camp Island Ledge
- Camp Island Shoal
- Camp Islands
- Camp Rock
- Campbell Hill
- Campbell Hill
- Campbell Hill
- Campbell Island
- Campbell Island
- Campbell Meadows
- Campbell Point
- Campbell Point
- Campbell Point
- Campbell Point
- Campbell Point Park
- Campbelldale
- Campbells Head
- Campbells Hill
- Campbells Hill
- Campbells Hill
- Campbells Island
- Campbells Island
- Campbells Island
- Campbells Mountain
- Campbells Mountain
- Campbells Point
- Campbells Point
- Campbells Shoal
- Campbells Siding
- Campbellton Road
- Camperdown
- Camperdown Hill
- Camperdown Hill
- Canaan
- Canaan
- Canaan
- Canaan Mountains
- Canada Creek
- Canada Hill
- Canadian Forces Base Greenwood
- Canadian Forces Base Halifax
- Canard
- Candlebox Island
- Cannes
- Canning
- Cannon Rock
- Cannon Rock
- Canns Point
- Canoe Island
- Canoe Lake
- Canso
- Canso Ledges
- Cantley Point
- Cap Island
- Cap Island Shoal
- Cap La Ronde
- Cap Le Moine
- Cap Le Moine
- Cap Ronde
- Cap Rouge
- Cap Rouge
- Cape Antrim
- Cape Argos
- Cape Auguet
- Cape Auguet
- Cape Bay Beach
- Cape Blomidon
- Cape Blue
- Cape Breaker
- Cape Breton
- Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada
- Cape Breton Island
- Cape Canso
- Cape Capstan
- Cape Chignecto
- Cape Cliff
- Cape d'Or
- Cape Dauphin
- Cape Dauphin
- Cape Dauphin Mountain
- Cape Diamond
- Cape Firmain
- Cape Forchu
- Cape Forchu
- Cape Gabarus
- Cape Gegogan
- Cape George
- Cape George
- Cape George
- Cape George
- Cape George Point
- Cape George Point
- Cape Grey
- Cape Jack
- Cape Jack
- Cape John
- Cape John
- Cape LaHave
- Cape LaHave Island
- Cape Ledge
- Cape Mabou
- Cape Mocodome
- Cape Negro
- Cape Negro
- Cape Negro Island
- Cape Negro Lighthouse
- Cape North
- Cape North
- Cape North Lighthouse
- Cape Porcupine
- Cape Rip
- Cape Rock
- Cape Rock
- Cape Roseway
- Cape Sable
- Cape Sable Island
- Cape Sable Lighthouse
- Cape Sambro
- Cape Sharp
- Cape Shoal
- Cape Shoal
- Cape Smokey
- Cape Smokey Provincial Park
- Cape Spencer
- Cape Split
- Cape Split
- Cape St. Lawrence
- Cape St. Marys
- Cape St. Marys
- Cape St. Marys
- Cape St. Marys Lighthouse
- Cape Tenny
- Capstick
- Captain Jones Point
- Captains Hill
- Captains Island
- Card Lake Hill
- Card Lake Provincial Park
- Careening Point
- Carey Point
- Careys Point
- Careys Point
- Caribou
- Caribou Barren
- Caribou Barren
- Caribou Ferry
- Caribou Head
- Caribou Island
- Caribou Island
- Caribou Island
- Caribou Marsh
- Caribou Marsh 29
- Caribou Mines
- Caribou Plains
- Caribou Provincial Park
- Caribou River
- Caribou Rock
- Carleton
- Carleton Village
- Carleton Village Shore
- Carls Islands
- Carls Point
- Carmichaels Hill
- Carmichaels Point
- Caroline Beach
- Carousse Bank
- Carrigan Hill
- Carrington
- Carrolls Corner
- Carrs Brook
- Carsand Photo Imaging
- Carters Beach
- Carters Beach
- Carters Cove
- Carters Island
- Carters Island
- Carters Island
- Carters Point
- Carters Point
- Cary Rocks
- Cascarette Island
- Casey Corner
- Casey Point
- Cashman Meadows
- Castaway Island
- Castle Bay
- Castle Rock
- Castlereagh
- Castor Rock
- Cat Cove Island
- Cat Island
- Cat Island
- Cat Island
- Cat Point
- Cat Point
- Cat Rock
- Cat Rock
- Cat Rock Point
- Cat Rocks
- Cat Shoal
- Catalone
- Catalone Beach
- Catalone Gut
- Catalone Point
- Catalone Road
- CatIsland
- Cattle Island
- Caulfield Point
- Causeway Beach
- Cavanagh Mills
- Caveau Point
- Caveau Shoals
- Cedar Lake
- Cedar Ledge
- Cemetery Point
- Centennial
- Central Argyle
- Central Caribou
- Central Chebogue
- Central Clarence
- Central Grove
- Central Grove Provincial Park
- Central New Annan
- Central North River
- Central Onslow
- Central Port Mouton
- Central West River
- Central Woods Harbour
- Centre
- Centre Burlington
- Centre East Pubnico
- Centre Musquodoboit
- Centre Rawdon
- Centredale
- Centrelea
- Centreville
- Centreville
- Centreville
- Centreville
- Centreville Reserve Mines
- Cerberus Rock
- CFB Greenwood
- Chain Islands
- Chain Ledge
- Chain Ledges
- Chain Point
- Chain Rocks
- Chambers Hill
- Chambers Point
- Chameau Rock
- Champ de tir aérien Chezzetcook
- Champ de tir Amherst
- Champ de tir Debert
- Champ de tir et champ de manoeuvre Granville Ferry
- Champ de tir et champ de manoeuvreAldershot
- Champ de tir Sydney
- Chance Harbour
- Chance Harbour Beach
- Channel Island
- Channel Rock
- Channel Shoal
- Channel Shoal
- Chapel Island
- Chapel Island
- Chapel Island 5
- Chapel Point
- Chapel Point
- Chapel Shoal
- Chaplin
- Chapman Hill
- Chapman Settlement
- Charity Island
- Charity Island Ledges
- Charles Hill
- Charles Island
- Charles Ledges
- Charles Point
- Charleston
- Charlesville
- Charley Island
- Charley Rock
- Charlie Atkins Shoal
- Charlies Island
- Charlies Island
- Charlies Island
- Charlies Point
- Charlos Cove
- Charlton Meadows
- Chaswood
- Chaswood Meadows
- Chattan Park
- Chebogue Ledge
- Chebogue Point
- Chebogue Point
- Chebogue Point Shoal
- Chebogue River Meadows
- Chebucto Head
- Chebucto Head Lighthouse
- Cheese Factory Corner
- Chegoggin Flats
- Chegoggin Point
- Chelsea
- Cherry Brook
- Cherry Hill
- Cherry Hill
- Cherry Rock
- Cherry Valley Head
- Cherryfield
- Cherryfield Road
- Cherrys Beach
- Cherrytree Meadow
- Chester
- Chester Acres
- Chester Basin
- Chester Grant
- Chester Rock
- Chéticamp
- Chéticamp Beach
- Chéticamp Flats
- Chéticamp Island
- Cheticanchec Island
- Cheverie
- Cheverie Mountain
- Cheverie Point
- Chezzetcook Air Weapons Range
- Chicane Islands
- Chicken Rocks
- Chignecto
- Chignecto Game Sanctuary
- Chignecto Isthmus
- Chignecto National Wildlife Area
- Chimney Corner
- Chimney Corner
- Chimney Corner Beach
- Chipman Brook
- Chipmans Corner
- Chisholms Beach
- Chockle Cap
- Christians Island
- Christie Gillis Island
- Christie Hill
- Christie Hill
- Christie Point
- Christies Beach
- Christies Neck
- Christies Plains
- Christmas Island
- Christmas Island
- Christmas Island
- Chub Meadows
- Chubb Rock
- Church Hill
- Church Hill
- Church Point
- Church Point
- Church Point
- Church Point
- Church Point
- Church Point
- Church Point
- Church Point Station
- Church Street
- Churchover
- Churchview
- Churchville
- Ciboux Island
- Ciboux Island Lighthouse
- Ciboux Shoals
- Clairmont Provincial Park
- Clam Bank
- Clam Bay
- Clam Harbour
- Clam Harbour Beach
- Clam Harbour Beach
- Clam Harbour Beach Provincial Park
- Clam Island
- Clam Island
- Clam Island
- Clam Island
- Clam Point
- Clam Point
- Clam Point
- Clam Point Island
- Clam Shoal
- Clancys Meadow
- Clannon Point
- Claremont
- Claremont Hill
- Clarence
- Clarence East
- Clarence West
- Clark's Harbour
- Clarke Head
- Clarke Island
- Clarke Island
- Clarke Point
- Clarke Point
- Clarkes Island
- Clarks Island
- Clarks Island
- Clarks Point
- Clarksville
- Clary Point
- Claverhouse
- Clay Bank
- Clay Head
- Clay Island
- Clay Island Spit
- Clayton Park
- Claytons Hill
- Clear Head
- Clear Point
- Clearland
- Clements Island
- Clements Point
- Clementsport
- Clementsvale
- Cleopatra Shoal
- Cleveland
- Cleveland Beach Provincial Park
- Cleveland Point
- Cleverseys Point
- Cliffs Island
- Clifton
- Cloakes Point
- Cloverdale
- Cloverville
- Clyde River
- Clydesdale
- Clydesdale
- Coachman Ledge
- Coade Carry
- Coady Road
- Coadys Swamp
- Coal Mine Point
- Coal Point
- Coalburn
- Coalhole Point
- Cobblers Point
- Cobequid Mountains
- Cochran Point
- Cochrane Hill
- Cochrans Island
- Cockawee Shoal
- Cod Shoals
- Coddles Harbour
- Coddles Island
- Coddles Point
- Codline Mountain
- Codline Point
- Codnor Point
- Codray Shoal
- Coffey Island
- Coffin Island
- Coffin Island
- Coffin Meadow
- Coffin Point
- Coffin Rock
- Coffin Shoal
- Coffins Point
- Coffinscroft
- Coldbrook
- Coldbrook Provincial Park
- Coldspring Head
- Coldstream
- Cole Harbour
- Cole Harbour
- Cole Harbour 30
- Cole Harbour Head
- Cole Ledge
- Cole Point
- ColeRidge Estates
- Coles Head
- Coles Island
- Coles Island Rock
- Coles Point
- Coles Rock
- Colindale
- Colindale Beach
- Colins Point
- College Grant
- College Grant
- Collies Head
- Collingwood Corner
- Collishaws Point
- Collupy Rock
- Colpitt Hill
- Colpitt Hill
- Colpton
- Colquhoun Point
- Colquhoun Point
- Colt Shoal
- Columbia Rock
- Colwell Meadows
- Comeau Point
- Comeaus Hill
- Comeauville
- Commodore Park
- Common Island
- Commons
- Concession
- Concord
- Condons Point
- Coney Island
- Congress Shoal
- Connollys Point
- Connors Hill
- Connors Ridge
- Conns Hill
- Conns Mills
- Conquerall Bank
- Conquerall Mills
- Conrad Beach
- Conrad Hill
- Conrad Island
- Conrads Point
- Conrod Island
- Conrod Island Park Reserve
- Conrod Settlement
- Conrods Beach
- Conrods Head
- Conrods Ledge
- Constance Rock
- Convict Point
- Convoy Place
- Conway
- Conway Point
- Cook Head
- Cook Point
- Cook Point
- Cook Point Ledges
- Cooks Beach
- Cooks Beach
- Cooks Brook
- Cooks Cove
- Cooks Island
- Cooks Island
- Cooks Ledge
- Cooks Point
- Cooks Rock
- Cookville
- Coolens Beach
- Coolens Hill
- Coombs Point
- Cooper Shoal
- Coopers Head
- Coopers Point
- Coopers Point
- Coot Shoal
- Coote Head
- Coote Island
- Coote Rock
- Coote Shoal
- Coote Shoal
- Cope Plain
- Copeland Meadow
- Copper Lake
- Copper Shop Shoal
- Coral Shoal
- Corberrie
- Corbett Point
- Cordeau Point
- Cordwood Bank
- Cordwood Piles Point
- Cork Rock
- Corkums Island
- Corkums Island
- Corkums Shoal
- Cormorandière Rocks
- Cornelius Head
- Cornelius Island
- Corner of Fountain
- Corney Beach
- Corney Rock
- Corneys Island
- Cornwall Rock
- Cornwallis
- Cornwallis Square
- Coromonie
- Corveau Rocks
- Cory Rock
- Cosmans Meadows
- Cossitt Point
- Cossman Tower Hill
- Côte des Cadet
- Cottmans Rock
- Country Harbour Head
- Country Harbour Lake
- Country Harbour Mines
- Country Island
- Country Island Lighthouse
- Country Island Shoal
- County Line Point
- County Line Shoal
- Courthouse Hill
- Cove Road
- Cove Rock
- Coveys Island
- Coveys Island
- Coveys Ledge
- Coveys Point
- Cow and Calf
- Cow Bay
- Cow Bay Beach
- Cow Island
- Cow Island
- Cow Island
- Cow Ledge
- Cow Ledge
- Cow Point
- Cow Rock
- Cow Rock
- Cow Rock
- Cowdy Point
- Cowie Hill
- Cowie Hill
- Cowley Point
- Cowley Rock
- Cowling Meadows
- Coxheath
- Coxheath Hills
- Crab Rock
- Crab Shoal
- Cracker Island
- Crackerbone
- Craigmore
- Craigmore Provincial Park
- Craigs Island
- Crain Lake Mountain
- Crammond Islands
- Cran Rock
- Cranberry Barren
- Cranberry Head
- Cranberry Head
- Cranberry Island
- Cranberry Island
- Cranberry Island
- Cranberry Island
- Cranberry Islands
- Cranberry Islands Lighthouse
- Cranberry Marsh Island
- Cranberry Point
- Cranberry Point
- Cranberry Point
- Cranberry Point
- Cranberry Point
- Cranberry Point
- Cranberry Pond Point
- Cranberry Rock
- Crandall Point
- Crandall Road
- Crane Point
- Cranes Point
- Crawford Ledge
- Crawley Point
- Crawleys Head
- Crawleys Island
- Crazy Island
- Creamers Point
- Creaser Point
- Creelman Hill
- Creelmans Crossing
- Creignish
- Creignish Mountain
- Creignish Rear
- Crescent Beach
- Crescent Beach
- Crescent Beach
- Crescent Beach
- Crescent Grove
- Cribbons Beach
- Cribbons Point
- Crichton Beach
- Crichton Head
- Crichton Island
- Crichton Park
- Crichton Point
- Crichton Shoal
- Crid Islands
- Crispe Meadows
- Crispos Island
- Critchett Point
- Croak Rock
- Croft
- Crogan Mountain
- Crook Point
- Crook Shoals
- Crooked Beach
- Crooks Island
- Crooks Rock
- Cropper Point
- Cropper Shoal
- Crosby Island
- Croshes Meadow
- Cross Bar Shoal
- Cross Head
- Cross Hill
- Cross Island
- Cross Island
- Cross Island Head
- Cross Ledge
- Cross Ledge
- Cross Mountain
- Cross Road Mountain
- Cross Roads Country Harbour
- Cross Roads Ohio
- Crossburn
- Crotch Ground
- Croucher Island
- Croucher Island Light
- Croucher Island Shoal
- Croucher Point
- Crouchers Forks
- Crouses Settlement
- Crousetown
- Crow Bunch Shoal
- Crow Cliffs
- Crow Island
- Crow Island
- Crow Island
- Crow Island
- Crow Island
- Crow Island Ledges
- Crow Islands
- Crow Neck
- Crow Neck Island
- Crow Point
- Crowbar Island
- Crowdis Mountain
- Crowell
- Crowell Point
- Crowells Bar
- Crowes Mills
- Crows Nest
- Crows Nest
- Crows Roost
- Crystal Cliffs
- Crystal Crescent Beach
- Crystal Crescent Provincial Park
- Cuckold Island
- Cuckold Rock
- Culloden
- Cunard Point
- Curdo Bank
- Currant Island
- Currant Island
- Currant Island Shoal
- Currys Breaker
- Currys Corner
- Cushing Point
- Cut Leg Island
- Cye Ledge
- Cyril Smith Golden Acres Park
- Cyrus Beach
- Cyrus Mountain
- D'Aubins Point
- D'Eons Hill
- D'Escousse
- D'Escousse Shoal
- Dagger Woods
- Dahls Point
- Daisleys Island
- Dalem Lake Provincial Park
- Dalhousie Crossing
- Dalhousie Hill
- Dalhousie Mountain
- Dalhousie Road
- Dalhousie University
- Daly Point
- Dan Hill
- Danbury Island
- Dancers Point
- Danesville
- Dangle Rock
- Daniel Head
- Daniel Shoal
- Daniels Island
- Dans Ground
- Dans Rock
- Danvers
- Darby Bank
- Darby Point
- Dares Point
- Dark Island
- Darkin Island
- Darling Island
- Darlings Lake
- Darlings Rock
- Dartmouth
- Dartmouth Crossing
- Dartmouth High School Park
- Dartmouth Point
- Dartmouth Point
- Dauphinee Mountain
- Dauphinee Point
- Dauphinees Beach
- Dauphinees Head
- Dauphinees Island
- Dauphinees Island
- Dauphinees Point
- Daury Island
- Davenport Point
- Daves Rock
- Daves Rocks
- David Point
- David Rock
- Davids Point
- Davidson Point
- Davidsons Head
- Davidsons Ledge
- Davies Head Shoal
- Davis Island
- Davison Island
- Davison Street
- Davys Head
- Days Hill
- Days Point
- Dayspring
- De Viller Hill
- Dead Cow Shoals
- Deadman Island
- Deadman Island
- Deadman Point
- Deadmans Beach
- Deadmans Island
- Deadmans Island
- Deadmans Ledge
- Deadmans Rock
- Dean
- Dean Shoal
- Deans Corner
- Death Meadow
- DeBaies Cove
- DeBaies Point
- Debert
- Debert Range
- Debert Wildlife Management Area
- Deep Brook
- Deep Cove Island
- Deep Cove Island
- Deep Cove Mountain
- Deepdale
- Deepwater Island
- Deepwater Point
- Deepwater Rock
- Deerfield
- Dees Island
- Delaneys Point
- Delaps Cove
- Delhaven
- Delorier Island
- Delorier Island Point
- Delorier Point
- Deming Island
- Deming Point
- Demings Island
- Dempseys Corner
- Denmark
- Dennis Point
- Densmores Mills
- Denver
- Depot Hill
- Derabies Bar
- Derabies Island
- Derabies Islands
- Derby Point
- Devastation Shoal
- Deveaus Shore
- Devereux Shoal
- Devils Bed
- Devils Hill
- Devils Island
- Devils Island
- Devils Island
- Devils Island
- Devils Island
- Devils Island Lighthouse
- Devils Island West Lighthouse (historical)
- Devils Seat
- Devoe Point
- Devon
- Dewey Creek Wildlife Management Area
- Dhu Point
- Diamond
- Diamond Island
- Dick Shoal
- Dickies Mountain
- Dicks Island
- Dicks Island
- Dicks Meadows
- Dicks Meadows
- Dicks Point
- Dickson Bar
- Dickson Meadows
- Digby
- Digby Campground And Fun Park
- Digby Neck
- Digby Pines Golf Resort & Spa
- Digby Wesleyan Church
- Digby/Annapolis Regional Airport
- Diligent River
- Dimock Point
- Dingwall
- Dipper Cove Head
- Dismal Swamp
- Distinguishing Point
- Division Head
- Dixon Meadow
- Dixon Point
- Dixon Rock
- Doane Rock
- Doanes Point
- Dobsons Point
- Dock Point
- Dockyard Chimney
- Doctor Island
- Doctors Brook
- Doctors Cove
- Doctors Island
- Doddridge
- Doddys Shoal
- Dodge Island
- Dog Island
- Dog Island
- Dog Island
- Dog Islands
- Dog Ledge
- Dog Ledge
- Dog Rocks
- Dogfish Ground
- Dogfish Head
- Dogfish Ledge
- Dogfish Point
- Dogfish Point
- Dogfish Point
- Dogfish Rock
- Dogs Hole Ledge
- Doirons Point
- Doliver Point
- Dollar Lake Provincial Park
- Dollar Rock
- Dollard Rock
- Dollivers Mountain
- Dollivers Point
- Domhnull Ruadhs Head
- Dominic Meadow
- Dominion
- Dominion Beach Provincial Park
- Donald Williams Point
- Donalds Island
- Donkin
- Donks Beach
- Donks Mountain
- Dook Rock
- Dorey Hill
- Doreys Creek Point
- Doreys Island
- Doreys Ledge
- Doreys Point
- Doreys Rock
- Dorts Cove
- Dorts Island
- Double Head
- Double Island
- Double Island
- Doucetteville
- Dougalls Point
- Doughboy Ledge
- Doughboy Point
- Dougherty Point
- Douglas Hill
- Douglas Island
- Douglas Meadow
- Douglas Road
- Dover
- Dover Castle
- Dover Head
- Dover Hill
- Dover Island
- Dover Island
- Dover Shoals
- Doverins Island
- Downey Bluff
- Downies Island
- Downing Head
- Downtown Halifax
- Doyle Meadows
- Doyle Meadows
- Doyles Cape
- Doyles Island
- Doyles Meadows
- Doyles Point
- Doyles Rock
- Drews Hill
- Drinking Hole Barren
- Drinkwaters Head
- Driscolls Meadows
- Drug Brook Hill
- Drum Head
- Drum Head
- Drum Head Island
- Drunken Dick
- Dry Ledge
- Dry Ledge
- Dry Ledge
- Dry Ledge
- Dry Ledge
- Dry Ledge
- Dry Ledge
- Dry Point
- Dry Rock
- Dry Rock
- Dry Rocks
- Dry Rocks
- Dry Shoal
- Dry Spitz
- Drysdales Farm Hill
- Dublin Shore
- Duck Bank
- Duck Cove Head
- Duck Head
- Duck Island
- Duck Island
- Duck Island
- Duck Island Ledges
- Duck Island Rock
- Duck Point
- Duck Point
- Duck Rock
- Duck Rock
- Duck Rock
- Duck Rock
- Duck Rock
- Duck Shoal
- Duck Shoal
- Duck Shoal
- Duck Shoal
- Duck Shoals
- Ducks Nest Meadow
- Dudgen Rock
- Dufferin
- Dufferin Mines
- Duffus Point
- Dukeshire Island
- Dulse Rocks
- Dumpling Island
- Dumpling Ridge
- Dumpling Rock
- Dumpling Savannah
- Dunakin
- Dunbar Point
- Dunbars Point
- Dunbrack Rock
- Duncan Head
- Duncan Meadow
- Duncan Shoals
- Duncan Walkers Island
- Duncans Beach
- Duncans Cove
- Dundee
- Dungarry
- Dunmore
- Dunmore
- Dunn Point
- Dunns Beach
- Dunns Corner
- Dunns Rock
- Dunns Rock
- Dunpheys Head
- Dunvegan
- Durell Point
- Durells Island
- Durells Island
- Durham
- Durham Hill
- Durhams Point
- Duston Bank
- Dutch Brook
- Dutch Settlement
- Dutchtown Point
- Dwyer Ridge
- Dyes Island
- Eagle Head
- Eagle Head
- Eagle Head Rock
- Eagle Hill
- Eagle Hill
- Eagle Island
- Eagle Island
- Eagle Island
- Eagle Nest
- Eagle Point
- Eagle Point
- Eagle Rock
- Eagle Rocks
- Eagles Head
- Eagles Nest Point
- Earltown
- East Advocate
- East Amherst
- East Apple River
- East Arlington
- East Baccaro
- East Bay
- East Bay Hills
- East Bay Sand Bar
- East Bear Point Ledge
- East Beech Hill
- East Berlin
- East Black Ledge
- East Bull
- East Bull
- East Bull
- East Cape
- East Chester
- East Chezzetcook
- East Cliff
- East Clifford
- East Dalhousie
- East Dover
- East Earltown
- East Earltown Road
- East End
- East End
- East Erinville
- East Ferry
- East Folly Mountain
- East Fraserville
- East Gibbs Island
- East Gore
- East Green Harbour
- East Halls Harbour Road
- East Hansford
- East Havre Boucher
- East Head
- East Head
- East Head
- East Hog Island
- East Inglisville
- East Ironbound Island
- East Jeddore
- East Jordan
- East Kemptville
- East LaHave
- East Lake Ainslie
- East Lawrencetown
- East Leicester
- East Linden
- East Mapleton
- East Margaree
- East Margaretsville
- East Meadows
- East Mehanny Rock
- East Mines
- East Mines Station
- East Money Island
- East Mountain
- East New Annan
- East Noel
- East Pennant
- East Petpeswick
- East Point
- East Point
- East Point
- East Point
- East Point
- East Point
- East Point Island
- East Point Ledge
- East Point Rock
- East Pollock
- East Port Medway
- East Preston
- East Pubnico
- East Quinan
- East Quoddy
- East River
- East River Point
- East River Point
- East River Provincial Park
- East River Sheet Harbour
- East River St. Marys
- East River St. Marys West Side
- East Rock
- East Roman Valley
- East Sable River
- East Shag Cliff
- East Sheep Island
- East Ship Harbour
- East Shoal
- East Shoal
- East Side
- East Side of Ragged Island
- East Side Port L'Hebert
- East Skye Glen
- East Slope
- East Southampton
- East Spectacle Island
- East Spit
- East Spit
- East Tracadie
- East Tremont
- East Uniacke
- East Village
- East Wallace
- East Walton
- East Wentworth
- Eastern Bar
- Eastern Battery Point
- Eastern Beach
- Eastern Black Island
- Eastern Breaker
- Eastern Flats
- Eastern Frying Pans
- Eastern Gun Landing Cove Head
- Eastern Halfmoon
- Eastern Head
- Eastern Head
- Eastern Head
- Eastern Head
- Eastern Head
- Eastern Head
- Eastern Head
- Eastern Hill
- Eastern Island
- Eastern Lobster Claw
- Eastern Passage
- Eastern Patch Rock
- Eastern Peak
- Eastern Point
- Eastern Point
- Eastern Point of Lorraine Head
- Eastern Points
- Eastern Red Head
- Eastern Red Head
- Eastern Rock
- Eastern Rocks
- Eastern Rocks
- Eastern Sandy Cove Head
- Eastern Shagroost
- Eastern Shoal
- Eastern Shoals
- Eastern Shore Islands Wildlife Management Area
- Easton
- Eastside Plaza
- Eastville
- Eatonville
- Economy
- Economy Mountain
- Economy Point
- Economy Point
- Ecum Secum
- Ecum Secum Bridge
- Ecum Secum West
- Eddy Point
- Eddy Rock
- Eddy Spit
- Ede Rock
- Eden
- Eden Lake
- Edgetts Beach
- Edgewood
- Eds Island
- Edwardsville
- Eel Bed Islands
- Eel Shoal
- Egerton
- Egg Beach
- Egg Island
- Egg Island
- Egg Island
- Egg Island
- Egg Island Lighthouse
- Egypt Mountain
- Egypt Road
- Eigg Mountain
- Eight Island Lake
- Eighteen Fathom Shoal
- Eighteen Mile Meadows
- Eisans Point
- Eisenhauers Point
- Eisner Point
- Eisnors Point
- Eldad Ledge
- Elderbank
- Elders Head
- Elephant Rocks
- Elgin
- Elijahs Island
- Ell Island
- Ellenvale
- Ellenwood Lake Provincial Park
- Ellenwoods Island
- Ellershouse
- Elmfield
- Elmsdale
- Elmsvale
- Elmwood
- Ember Island
- Embrees Island
- Emerald
- Emery Meadows
- Emerys Island
- Emulous Breakers
- Enfield
- English Corner
- English Point
- Englishtown
- Enon
- Enslows Point
- Ensors Island
- Entry Rock
- Erinville
- Ernies Point
- Erns Island
- Ernst Island
- Eskasoni
- Eskasoni 3
- Eskasoni 3
- Eskasoni 3A
- Estmere
- Etter Settlement
- Eureka
- Evangeline Beach
- Evans Island
- Evans Island
- Evans Point
- Evanston
- Eve Ledges
- Evelyns Rock
- Everlasting Barrens
- Exhibition Building Light (historical)
- Factory Point
- Factorydale
- Faders Point
- Faders Point
- Fairmont
- Fairmount
- Fairview
- Fairweather Rock
- Falkland Ridge
- Fall River
- Fall River West
- Fallis Island
- Falls Hill
- Falls Lake Provincial Park
- Falls Point
- Falmouth
- False Bay Head
- False Harbour Bar
- False Harbour Beach
- Family Island
- Fancy Lake Provincial Park
- Fancy Meadow
- Fancys Point
- Fanning Ground
- Fanning Rock
- Fanning Shoal
- Farewell Harbour Ledges
- Farm Ledge
- Farmington
- Farmington
- Farmville
- Farquhars Mountain
- Farquhars Point
- Farrell Street Park
- Fathers Head
- Faulkners Island
- Faulkners Point
- Faulkners Shoal
- Fauxburg
- Fawson Rock
- Fawsons Point
- February Rock
- Feeners Corner
- Felsen Kap
- Feltzen South
- Fence Hill
- Fenwick
- Ferguson Island
- Fergusons Cove
- Fergusons Hill
- Fergusons Island
- Fergusons Lake
- Fergusons Point
- Fergusons Point
- Fergusons Point
- Fergusons Shoal
- Fern Hill
- Fernleigh
- Ferry Point
- Ferry Point
- Fiddle Head
- Fiddle Shoal
- Fiddlers Head
- Fielding Meadows
- Fields Hill
- Fields Rocks
- Fiery Island
- Fifth Lake Mountain
- Fifty Acre Island
- Finchley Shoal
- Findlay Island
- Finlay Point
- Finlaysons Island
- Fire Islands
- Firebrand Island
- First Beach
- First Hill
- First Island
- First Peninsula
- First Peninsula
- First South
- Firth Island
- Fish Flake Point
- Fish House Rock
- Fish Island
- Fish Island
- Fish Island Ledge
- Fish Ledge
- Fish Point
- Fish Point
- Fish Point
- Fish Shoal
- Fisher Mills
- Fisher's Grant 24
- Fisher's Grant 24G
- Fisherman Island
- Fishermans Beach
- Fishermans Harbour
- Fishermans Harbour Head
- Fishermans Island
- Fishermans Point
- Fishermans Point
- Fishermans Rock
- Fishers Nose
- Fishery Island
- Fishery Point
- Fishery Point
- Fishing Cove Head
- Fishing Cove Point
- Fishing Point
- Fishing Rock
- Fitch Hill
- Fitzgeralds Island
- Fitzpatrick
- Fitzpatricks Mountain
- Fitzpatricks Mountain
- Five Acre Shoals
- Five Eyed Bulls
- Five Fathom Shoal
- Five Fathom Shoal
- Five Finger Shoal
- Five Houses
- Five Houses
- Five Island Lake
- Five Islands
- Five Islands
- Five Islands Provincial Park
- Five Mile Plains
- Five Mile River
- Five Rivers Meadow
- Flag Hill
- Flag Island
- Flag Island
- Flag Island
- Flagstaff Hill
- Flagstaff Point
- Flahertys Shoal
- Flake Shoal
- Flanders Meadows
- Flandrum Hill
- Flat Beech Hill
- Flat Grounds
- Flat Head
- Flat Island
- Flat Island
- Flat Island
- Flat Island
- Flat Island
- Flat Island
- Flat Island
- Flat Island
- Flat Island
- Flat Island
- Flat Ledge
- Flat Ledge
- Flat Ledge
- Flat Ledge
- Flat Ledge
- Flat Ledges
- Flat Point
- Flat Point
- Flat Point
- Flat Point Rock
- Flat Point Rocks
- Flat Rock
- Flat Rock
- Flat Rock Beach
- Flat Rocks
- Flat Shoal
- Flatroof Shoal
- Flea Head
- Fleck Shoal
- Flecks Bank
- Flecks Point
- Fleet Brook Head
- Fleet Settlement
- Fleming Cliff
- Flemish Cap
- Flemming Island
- Flemming Island
- Flemming Ledge
- Fletchers Lake
- Flick Island
- Flint Island
- Flint Island Lighthouse
- Flint Ledge
- Flintstone Rock
- Floda Island
- Florence
- Florence Beach
- Flour Cove Point
- Flower Pot
- Fluid Point
- Flukes Head
- Fly Point
- Flying Point
- Flying Point
- Flying Point
- Flying Point
- Flying Point
- Flying Point Shoals
- Flying Rock
- Foggy Islands
- Fogherty Head
- Folly Lake
- Folly Mountain
- Folly Mountain
- Fond de Belliveau
- Fond des Lazare
- Foot Cape
- Footes Ledge
- Forbes Point
- Forbes Point
- Forbes Point
- Forbes Point
- Forbes Point
- Ford Island
- Fordview
- Forest Glade
- Forest Glade
- Forest Glen
- Forest Glen
- Forest Hill
- Forest Hill
- Forest Home
- Forest Point
- ForestGlen
- Forfeit Rocks
- Forges Point
- Forks Baddeck
- Forks Hill
- Forrest Island
- Forster Island
- Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada
- Fort Belcher
- Fort Charles National Historic Site
- Fort Charlotte
- Fort Edward National Historic Site of Canada
- Fort Ellis
- Fort Lawrence
- Fort Lawrence Ridge
- Fort McNab National Historic Site of Canada
- Fort Needham (historical)
- Fort Point
- Fort Point
- Fort Point
- Fort Point
- Fort Point
- Fort Point
- Fort Point
- Fort Point Lighthouse
- Fort Rock
- Forties
- Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada
- Fortune Barren
- Fortyfour Point
- Foster Woodbury Meadow
- Fosters Islands
- Fougeres Point
- Foul Ground
- Foul Ground
- Foul Ground
- Fountain Road
- Fountain Shoal
- Four Mile Brook
- Fourchu
- Fourchu Black Rocks
- Fourchu Head
- Fourchu Rock
- Fowler Head
- Fox Back Ridge
- Fox Bar
- Fox Brook
- Fox Cove North Cape
- Fox Cove South Cape
- Fox Harbour
- Fox Harbour Provincial Park
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Island Main
- Fox Island Main Beach
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point Beach
- Fox Ridges
- Fox River
- Fralicks Point
- Framboise
- Framboise Intervale
- Francis Nose
- Francis Nose Island
- Franey Corner
- Franey Hill
- Franey Mountain
- Franklin Manor 22
- Franks Bar
- Franks George Island
- Franks Ledge
- Frankville
- Fraser Point
- Fraser Settlement
- Frasers Beach
- Frasers Beach
- Frasers Grant
- Frasers Mills
- Frasers Mountain
- Frasers Mountain
- Frasers Mountain
- Frasertown
- Fraserville
- Fraxville
- Fredas Point
- Freeman Island
- Freeman Meadows
- Freemans Rock
- Freeport
- Freezer Point
- French Beach
- French Beach Point
- French Cove
- French Cross Point
- French Hill
- French Lookout
- French Mountain
- French Point
- French Point
- French Point
- French Point
- French Point
- French River
- French River
- French River
- French River Point
- French Road
- French Rock
- French Rock
- French Village
- Frenchman Point
- Frenchmans Barn
- Frenchmans Elbow
- Frenchmans Road
- Frenchmans Rock
- Frenchvale
- Friar Island
- Friar Ledges
- Friar Point
- Fripp Shoal
- Frog Island
- Frog Island Head
- Frog Island Shoal
- Front Centre
- Front Lake
- Front Rum Point
- Frost Island
- Frost Island Ledge
- Froth Hole Hill
- Frying Pan Island
- Frying Pan Rock
- Frying Pan Shoal
- Fryingpan Island
- Furness Withy Co. Wharf (historical)
- Gabarus
- Gabarus Lake
- Gabarus Round Rock
- Gabion Point
- Gabion Shoal
- Gaetz Brook
- Gaetz Head
- Gaetz Island
- Gaff Point
- Gairdners Point
- Gairloch Mountain
- Gallaghers Hill
- Gammon Islands
- Gander Rock
- Gannet Dry Ledge
- Gannet Ledges
- Gannet Northwest Shoal
- Gannet Point
- Gannet Rock
- Gannet Rock
- Gannet Rock Bars
- Gannet Shoal
- Gannet South Shoal
- Gannet Southwest Shoal
- Gannon Road
- Garden Head
- Garden Lots
- Garden of Eden
- Garden of Eden Barrens
- Gardiner Mines
- Gardner Rock
- Gardners Meadow
- Gardners Mills
- Garfields Rock
- Garland
- Garlands Crossing
- Garret Island
- Garret Ledge
- Garretts Rocks
- Garrison Rocks
- Gaspereau
- Gaspereau Mountain
- Gaspereaux Point
- Gates Beach
- Gates Meadow
- Gaulman Point
- Gavels Meadow
- Gavelton
- Gavin Islet
- Gays River
- Geddes Shoal
- Geizer Hill
- George Hardys Breaker
- George Island
- George Island
- George Island
- George Island
- George Point
- George Pyes Shoal
- George Shoal
- Georgefield
- Georges Beach
- Georges Island
- Georges Island
- Georges Island
- Georges Island Lighthouse
- Georges Island National Historic Site of Canada
- Georges Mark
- Georges River
- Georges Rock
- Georges Rock
- Georges Rocks
- Georges Spot
- Georgeville
- Georgie Mason Bank
- Georgies Bank
- Georgies Meadow
- Gerard Head
- Gerard Island
- Gerards Head
- Germaines Mountain
- Germans Island
- Germans Point
- Gerrish Valley
- Gerrys Beach
- Ghost Beach
- Giants Lake
- Gibbs Head
- Gibbs Shoal
- Gibraltar Hill
- Gibraltar Rock
- Gibsons Meadow
- Gids Buoy Rock
- Gids Ledge
- Gifford Island
- Gilbert Hills
- Gilbert Mountain
- Gilberts Cove
- Gilberts Landing
- Gilberts Point
- Gill Cove Head
- Gillanders Mountain
- Gillis Beach
- Gillis Cove
- Gillis Lake
- Gillis Mountain
- Gillis Mountain
- Gillis Point
- Gillis Point
- Gillis Point
- Gillis Point East
- Gillis Shoal
- Gillisdale
- Gimlet Ledge
- Gisborne Hill
- Glace Bay
- Glace Bay Bar
- Glace Bay Beach
- Glace Bay Shoals
- Glacis Barracks (historical)
- Glasgow
- Glasgow Head
- Glasgow Mountain
- Glasgow Point
- Glassburn
- Glawsons Hill
- Glawsons Point
- Gleaner Rock
- Glebe Point
- Glen Alpine
- Glen Bard
- Glen Campbellton
- Glen Haven
- Glen Margaret
- Glen Moir
- Glen Morrison
- Glen Road
- Glen Tosh
- Glencoe
- Glencoe
- Glencoe
- Glencoe Mills
- Glencoe Station
- Glendale
- Glendyer
- Glendyer Station
- Glenelg
- Glengarry
- Glengarry
- Glengarry Station
- Glengarry Valley
- Glenholme
- Glenkeen
- Glenmont
- Glenmore
- Glenmore Mountain
- Glenora
- Glenora Falls
- Glenroy
- Glenville
- Glenville
- Glenwood
- Glenwood Provincial Park
- Globe Island
- Glode Island
- Glode Point
- Goat Hill
- Goat Island
- Goat Island
- Goat Island
- Goat Island
- Goat Rock
- Godfreys Mountain
- Godie Point
- Goffs
- Gold Brook
- Gold Island
- Gold Ledge
- Gold River
- Gold River 21
- Goldboro
- Goldenville
- Good Landing Island
- Goodwins Island
- Goodwins Ledge
- Goodwins Point
- Goodwins Ridge
- Goodwood
- Goodwood Family Golf Centre
- Goose Bay Ledges
- Goose Cove
- Goose Flats
- Goose Head
- Goose Heath
- Goose Hills
- Goose Island
- Goose Island
- Goose Island
- Goose Island
- Goose Island
- Goose Island Ledges
- Goose Islands
- Goose Ledge
- Goose Point
- Goose Point
- Goose Point
- Goose Point
- Goose Point
- Goose Point
- Goose Point Shoal
- Goose Rock
- Goose Rock
- Goose Rocks
- Gooseberry Beach
- Gooseberry Island
- Gooseberry Island
- Gooseberry Island
- Gooseberry Island
- Gooseberry Island
- Gooseberry Island
- Gooseberry Island
- Gooseberry Point
- Gordon Ground
- Gordon Summit
- Gordons Beach
- Gordons Island
- Gore
- Goreham Point
- Gorehams Island
- Gormanville
- Goshen
- Goshen
- Goshen
- Goulet Beach
- Goulet Beach Shoal
- Government Point
- Governor Head
- Governors Island
- Gracieville
- Grady Island
- Grady Point
- Grafton
- Graham Head
- Graham Hill
- Graham Hill
- Graham Point
- Graham Shoal
- Grahams Corner
- Grahams Grove Park
- Grahams Head
- Grahams Island
- Grahams Point
- Grammo Point
- Grampus Shoal
- Grand Desert
- Grand Desert Beach
- Grand Eddy Point
- Grand Island
- Grand Lake Road
- Grand Lake Station
- Grand Mira North
- Grand Mira South
- Grand Narrows
- Grand pré
- Grand River
- Grand River Falls
- Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada
- Grande Anse
- Grande Falaise
- Grande Greve
- Grande Greve Point
- Grande Île
- Grandfathers Head
- Grandique Ferry
- Grandique Point
- Grandmothers Cove Point
- Granite Village
- Grant Point
- Grant Valley
- Granton
- Grants Island
- Grants Point
- Grantville
- Granville Beach
- Granville Centre
- Granville Ferry
- Granville Ferry Range and Training Area
- Grass Cove
- Grass Island
- Grass Island
- Grass Island
- Grassy Island
- Grassy Island
- Grassy Island
- Grassy Island
- Grassy Island Fort National Historic Site of Canada
- Grassy Ledge
- Grassy Point
- Grassy Point
- Grave Island
- Gravel Island
- Gravel Island
- Gravel Island Ledges
- Gravel Ledge
- Gravel Ledge
- Gravel Point
- Gravel Shoal
- Gravelly Hill
- Gravelly Ledge
- Gravelly Ledge
- Graves Island
- Graves Island Provincial Park
- Graves Shoal
- Graveyard Rocks
- Gravois Point
- Grayhorse Island
- Graywood
- Great Calf Island
- Great Heath
- Great Hill
- Great Hill
- Great Island
- Great Ridge
- Great Shag Rock
- Great Thrum
- Great Village
- Green Acres
- Green Acres
- Green Bank
- Green Bay
- Green Bunch Meadow
- Green Cove Head
- Green Creek
- Green Head
- Green Head
- Green Hill
- Green Hill
- Green Hill
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island Ledge
- Green Island Ledge
- Green Island Ledges
- Green Island Lighthouse
- Green Island Rock
- Green Ledge
- Green Ledge
- Green Ledge
- Green Ledge
- Green Ledges
- Green Oaks
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point
- Green Point Lighthouse
- Green Point Rock
- Green Point Shoal
- Green Rock
- Green Rock
- Green Rock
- Green Shoal
- Green Side Shore
- Greenfield
- Greenfield
- Greenfield
- Greenfield
- Greenhead Road
- Greenhill
- Greenhill
- Greenhill
- Greenhill Provincial Park
- Greenland
- Greenough
- Greens Brook
- Greens Point
- Greens Point
- Greens Point
- Greenvale
- Greenville
- Greenville Station
- Greenwich
- Greenwich Point
- Greenwold
- Greenwood
- Greenwood
- Greenwood
- Greenwood Golf Club
- Greenwood Heights
- Greenwood Military Aviation Museum
- Gregory Island
- Grey Hill
- Grey Island
- Grey Mountain
- Grey Rocks
- Grime Rock
- Grimms Settlement
- Grizzle Rock
- Grog Rock
- Grono Road
- Gros Cap
- Gros Nez Island
- Gros Point
- Grosse Tête
- Grosses Coques
- Grosvenor
- Grovers Breaker
- Grovers Point
- Groves Point
- Groves Point
- Groves Point Provincial Park
- Grum Point
- Guilford Island
- Guilford Rock
- Guinea
- Gulch Point
- Gulf Shore Provincial Park
- Gull Cape
- Gull Cape
- Gull Island
- Gull Island
- Gull Island
- Gull Island
- Gull Island
- Gull Island
- Gull Island
- Gull Island Bar
- Gull Island Ledges
- Gull Island Shoal
- Gull Ledge
- Gull Ledge
- Gull Ledge
- Gull Ledge
- Gull Ledge
- Gull Nest
- Gull Point
- Gull Point
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock
- Gull Rock Bars
- Gull Rock Lighthouse
- Gull Shoal
- Gull Shoal
- Gull Spit
- Gullivers Cove
- Gullivers Head
- Gully Head
- Gully Island
- Gully Island
- Gun Cove Island
- Gun Rock
- Gundalow Plains
- Gunner Island
- Gunners Point
- Gunning Cove
- Gunning Island
- Gunning Ledge
- Gunning Ledge
- Gunning Point
- Gunning Point
- Gunning Point Island
- Gunning Point Rocks
- Gunning Rock
- Gunning Rock
- Gunning Rock
- Gunning Rock
- Gunning Rocks
- Gunning Rocks
- Gunning Rocks
- Gurneys Island
- Gut Point
- Gut Rock
- Guyon Island
- Guyon Island Lighthouse
- Guyon Ledges
- Guyon Whistle Buoy
- Guysborough
- Guysborough Intervale
- Gypsum Mines
- Habitant
- Habitant
- Hachet Lake
- Hacketts Cove
- Hackmatack Hill
- Hackmatack Mountain
- Haddock Bank
- Haddock Point
- Haddock Rock
- Haddock Rock
- Haddock Shoal
- Haddock Shoal
- Haddon Hill
- Haddon Hill
- Hadley Beach
- Hadley Point
- Hadleyville
- Hagen Meadow
- Haights Ledge
- Hail Rock
- Haines Shoal
- Hales Beach
- Haley Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Half Bald Tusket Island
- Half Hour Breaker
- Half Island
- Half Island
- Half Island
- Half Island
- Half Island Cove
- Half Island Point
- Half Moon Hill
- Half Tide Ledge
- Halfmoon Meadow
- Halfmoon Plains
- Halftide Ledge
- Halftide Ledge
- Halftide Rocks
- Halfway Brook
- Halfway Cove
- Halfway Point
- Halfway Point
- Halfway River
- Halfway Rock
- Halfway Rocks
- Haliburton
- Haliburton Shoal
- Halibut Bay Bluff
- Halibut Bay Head
- Halibut Head
- Halibut Head
- Halibut Head
- Halibut Head
- Halibut Head
- Halibut Islands
- Halibut Islands Breaker
- Halibut Islands Ledge
- Halibut Rock
- Halibut Tail Shoal
- Halifax
- Halifax
- Halifax
- Halifax Citadel
- Halifax Citadel Flagstaff (historical)
- Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada
- Halifax Harbour Heliport
- Halifax Harbour Inner Range Rear Lighthouse
- Halifax Public Gardens
- Halifax Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre Heliport
- Halifax Railway Station
- Halifax South End Heliport
- Halifax Stanfield International Airport
- Halifax Whistle Buoy (historical)
- Halifax Windsor Park Heliport
- Hall's Harbour Lighthouse (historical)
- Halletts Point
- Halls Harbour
- Halls Point
- Halls Rock
- Ham Shoal
- Hamilton Meadows
- Hammer Head
- Hammetts Ridge
- Hammonds Plains
- Hammonds Plains
- Hampton
- Handleys Island
- Hanley Point
- Hanleys Meadow
- Hannams Ledge
- Hannamville
- Hansford
- Hantsport
- Hapes Point
- Hapes Rock
- Harbour Centre
- Harbour Island
- Harbour Island
- Harbour Island
- Harbour Island
- Harbour Island
- Harbour Islands
- Harbour Islands
- Harbour Islands Ledges
- Harbour Ledge
- Harbour Ledge
- Harbour Ledge
- Harbour Point
- Harbour Point
- Harbour Point
- Harbour Point
- Harbour Rock
- Harbour Rock
- Harbour Rock
- Harbour Rock
- Harbour Rock
- Harbour Rock Shoal
- Harbour Rock Shoals
- Harbour Rocks
- Harbour Shoal
- Harbour Shoal
- Harbour Shoal
- Harbour Spit
- Harbourview
- Harbourview
- Harbourville
- Harbourville Light
- Hard Ledge
- Hard Shoal
- Hardings Island
- Hardings Island
- Hardings Point
- Hardscrabble Point
- Hardwood Hill
- Hardwood Hill
- Hardwood Hill
- Hardwood Hill
- Hardwood Hill
- Hardwood Island
- Hardwood Island
- Hardwood Island
- Hardwood Island
- Hardwood Island
- Hardwood Island Shoal
- Hardwood Lands
- Hardwood Point
- Hardys Bank
- Hardys Point
- Hare Island
- Harlow Hill
- Harlow Meadow
- Harmony
- Harmony
- Harmony Mills
- Harmony Park
- Harmony Road
- Harnish Meadow
- Harpellville
- Harriet Ledge
- Harrietsfield
- Harrigan Cove
- Harrington
- Harris Beach
- Harris Bluff
- Harris Island
- Harris Island
- Harris Island
- Harris Ledge
- Harris Shoal
- Harrison Road
- Harrison Settlement
- Harriston
- Hart Island
- Hartford
- Hartlen Point
- Hartlin Settlement
- Hartlings Island
- Hartlings Point
- Harts Island
- Harts Point
- Harts Point
- Harts Point Rock
- Hartshorne Point
- Hartville
- Harvey Shoal
- Hassett
- Hastings
- Hastings
- Hatch Cove Shoal
- Hatchers Point
- Hatchet Lake
- Hatchs Rock Breaker
- Hatchs Rocks
- Hauling Rock
- Haulover Beach
- Haulover Ledge
- Haulover Point
- Haut-fond de Roche
- Hautfond Shoals
- Havelock
- Havendale
- Havenside
- Haverstock Island
- Havre Boucher
- Hawbolt Beach
- Hawbolt Point
- Hawbolt Rock
- Hawbolts Islands
- Hawes Hill
- Hawes Shoal
- Hawk Island
- Hawk Point
- Hawker
- Hawker Point
- Hawksbill Point
- Hawleys Hill
- Hawleys Point
- Hawthorne
- Hay Cove
- Hay Island
- Hay Islands
- Haydens Hay Meadows
- Hayes Gardens
- Hayes Pan
- Hayes Subdivision
- Hayman Point
- Hays River
- Haystack Head
- Haystack Point
- Haystack Rock
- Hazel Glen
- Hazel Hill
- Hazeldale
- Head of Chezzetcook
- Head of Jeddore
- Head of Loch Lomond
- Head of St. Margarets Bay
- Head of Wallace Bay
- Head Pier (historical)
- Head Rock
- Head Rock
- Head Rock Shoal
- Hearn Island
- Heartbreak Hill
- Heath Head
- Heathbell
- Heather Beach
- Heather Beach
- Heather Beach Provincial Park
- Heatherton
- Hebb Point
- Hebbs Cross
- Hebbville
- Heber Meadows
- Hebron
- Heckmans Head
- Heckmans Island
- Heckmans Island
- Hectanooga
- Hector MacLean Point
- Hectors Point
- Hectors Point
- Hedgeville
- Heffernan Point
- Helen Rock
- Helens Island
- Hell Island
- Hell Point
- Hell Point
- Hemeons Head
- Hemeons Point
- Hemford
- Hemisphere Rocks
- Hemlock Hill
- Hemlock Hill
- Hemlock Island
- Hemlock Island
- Hemlock Island
- Hemlock Island
- Hemlock Point
- Hemlock Shoals
- Hemloe Island
- Hemloes Point
- Hen and Chickens
- Hen and Chickens
- Hen and Chickens
- Hen and Rooster
- Hen Island
- Hen Island
- Hen Island
- Hen Island
- Hen Island
- Hen Island
- Hen Ledge
- Hendersons Mountain
- Henley Ledges
- Hennessey Bank
- Hennesseys Head
- Hennesseys Island
- Henris Island
- Henry Finlay Park
- Henry Island
- Henry Island Bank
- Henry Meadow
- Henry Neck
- Henrys Ledge
- Henrys Shoal
- Hens and Chickens
- Hermans Island
- Hermans Island
- Hero Shoal
- Heron Island
- Heron Point
- Heron Point
- Heron Rock
- Herring Cove
- Herring Hole
- Herring Ledge
- Herring Point
- Herring Rocks
- Herring Rocks
- Herring Shoal
- Hertford Island
- Hertford Ledge
- Hiawatha Beach
- Hibernia
- Hieslers Rocks
- Higgins Mountain
- Higginsville
- High Bank
- High Bank
- High Cape
- High Capes
- High Head
- High Head
- High Head
- High Island
- High Island
- High Island
- High Island Ledges
- High Ledge
- High Ledges
- Highbury
- Highland Hill
- Highland Village
- Hilden
- Hillcrest
- Hillgrove
- Hilliards Point
- Hills Meadow
- Hills Road
- Hillsboro
- Hillsburn
- Hillsdale
- Hillsdale Road
- Hillside
- Hillside
- Hillside Boularderie
- Hillsvale
- Hilltown
- Hines Island
- Hines Savannah
- Hingley Meadow
- Hingley Point
- Hinton Meadows
- Hiram Layte Hill
- Hirschfields Island
- Hirtle Hill
- Hirtle Island
- Hirtles Beach
- Hirtles Hill
- HM Dockyard (historical)
- HM Victualing & Hospital Yard (historical)
- Hobsons Island
- Hodson
- Hoegs Corner
- Hog Hill
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island
- Hog Island Point
- Hogs Back
- Hogsback Hill
- Hogshead Ledge
- Holland Harbour
- Hollands Hill
- Holly Point
- Hollyhock Bogs
- Hollys Rocks
- Holmes Hill
- Holmes Hill
- Holmes Island
- Holmes Spit
- Holy Stone
- Holy Trinity Anglican Church
- Homeville
- Hoodoo Hill
- Hook Point
- Hoop Pole Hill
- Hoop Pole Hill
- Hoop Pole Hill
- Hopewell
- Hopkin Rock
- Hopkins Point
- Hoppenderry
- Hopson Island
- Hoptoad Ledge
- Horne Meadows
- Horne Settlement
- Horne Shoal
- Hornes Point
- Hornes Point
- Hornes Road
- Horse Island
- Horse Island
- Horse Island
- Horse Island Ledge
- Horse Island Rock
- Horse Islands
- Horse Pasture Meadows
- Horse Race
- Horse Rock
- Horse Shoal
- Horse Shoal
- Horse Shoal
- Horse Shoe
- Horsehead Shoal
- Horsehead Shoals
- Horses Rump
- Horseshoe Island
- Horseshoe Ledge
- Horseshoe Meadows
- Horseshoe Point
- Horseshoe Shoal
- Horton 35
- Horton Bluff
- Horton Island
- Horton Landing
- Hortons Bank
- Hortons Beach
- Hortonville
- Hospital Hill
- Hospital Ledge
- Hospital Point
- Hotel Hill
- Houlihans Point
- Hounds Ledges
- Houselog Island
- Houses Ground
- Houston Beach
- Howard MacLeans Point
- Howe Point
- Howe Point
- Howes Marsh Shoal
- Howie Centre
- Hub
- Hub Head
- Hub Rock
- Hubbards
- Hubbards Point
- Hubbards Point
- Hubley
- Hubley Mill Lake Road
- Hubleys Island
- Hubleys Island
- Hubleys Point
- Huckleberry Island
- Huckleberry Point
- Hueys Head
- Hughes Island
- Hughes Point
- Hughies Meadow
- Humber Park
- Hume Island
- Hume Point
- Hume Shoal
- Humes Rear
- Hummocky Point
- Humphs Hill
- Hungarian Rock
- Hunt Island
- Hunters Mountain
- Huntington
- Huntington Mountain
- Huntington Point
- Hunts Point
- Hunts Point
- Hunts Point
- Hunts Point Beach
- Hureaus Point
- Hureauville
- Hurricane Island
- Huss Head
- Hussey Point
- Hutt Point
- Hutt Shoal
- Hutts Point
- Hyannas
- Hydrant Point
- Hydrostone
- Hyson Point
- Icy Mountain
- Ikes Meadow
- Ikes Ridge
- Ile au Blé
- Ile aux Cannes
- Ile aux Moutons
- Ile Ferré
- Iles à Paul
- Imperoyal
- Inchcape Rock
- Indian Beach
- Indian Beach
- Indian Brook
- Indian Brook
- Indian Brook 14
- Indian Cross Point
- Indian Fields
- Indian Gardens
- Indian Harbour
- Indian Harbour Lake
- Indian Hill
- Indian Hill
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Island
- Indian Islands
- Indian Lake Country Club
- Indian Ledge
- Indian Lookoff
- Indian Path
- Indian Peak
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point
- Indian Point Beach
- Indian Rising
- Indian Rock
- Indian Rock
- Indian Rock
- Indian Rocks
- Indians Point
- Ingie's point
- Inglewood
- Inglisville
- Ingomar
- Ingonish
- Ingonish Barrens
- Ingonish Beach
- Ingonish Beach
- Ingonish Centre
- Ingonish Ferry
- Ingonish Island
- Ingonish Island Lighthouse
- Ingraham Shoal
- Ingramport
- Inlet Baddeck
- Inner Bald Tusket Island
- Inner Baltee Island
- Inner Clearing Shoal
- Inner Cross Ledge
- Inner Fish Island
- Inner Fox Rocks
- Inner Gull Island
- Inner Gull Ledge
- Inner Island
- Inner Middle Rock
- Inner Overfalls
- Inner Pollock
- Inner Red Bank
- Inner Rock
- Inner Rock
- Inner Sambro Island
- Inner Sheep Island
- Inner Shoal
- Inner Spectacle Island
- Innis Meadow
- Inside Annies Shoal
- Inside Bull Shoal
- Inside Eastern Harbour Island
- Inside Middle Grounds
- Inside Net Rock
- Inside Seal Rock
- Inside Sinker
- Inside Sisters
- Intercolonial Railway Depot (historical)
- Intercolonial Railway Wharf (historical)
- Inverness
- Inverside
- Iona
- Iona Rear
- Ira Settle Park
- Ireland
- Irish Cove
- Irish Mountain
- Irish Point
- Irish Vale
- Irishtown Road
- Iron Mines
- Iron Point
- Iron Rock
- Iron Shoal
- Ironbound Bank
- Ironbound Breaker
- Ironbound Island
- Ironlock Point
- Ironville
- Irvington Island
- Isaac Ackers Point
- Isaac's Harbour Lighthouse
- Isaacs Harbour
- Isaacs Harbour North
- Isaacs Island
- Isaacs Ledge
- Isaacs Point
- Isaacs Shoals
- Island Barren
- Island East River
- Island Green Golf Club
- Island Point
- Island Point
- Island Rock
- Island Rock
- Island Rock Head
- Island View
- Isle Haute
- Isle Madame
- Isle of Man
- Isnors Hill
- Isthmus of Chignecto
- Italy Cross
- Ives Knoll
- Ives Point
- Jack Langilles Shoal
- Jack Shoal
- Jackie Shoal
- Jackies Island
- Jackrock Bank
- Jacks Island
- Jacks Island
- Jacks Island
- Jacks Meadow
- Jacks Point
- Jacks Savannah
- Jacks Shoal
- Jacksons Mountain
- Jacksons Point
- Jacksons Point
- Jacksons Point
- Jacksons Point
- Jacksons Rock
- Jacksonville
- Jacquard Island
- Jacquards Ridge
- Jake Island Rock
- Jake Mosers Point
- Jakes Landing
- Jakes Meadow
- James Barren
- James Beach
- James River
- James Rock
- James Settlement
- Jamesville
- Jamesville West
- Jamieson Island
- Jane Point
- Janvrin Harbour
- Janvrin Island
- Janvrin Point
- Janvrin Shoal
- Jardine Plains
- Jarvis Bank
- Jarvis Ledge
- Jason MacCullough Park
- Jasons Island
- Jasons Ledges
- Jaw Lock
- Jean Maries Rock
- Jeannies Point
- Jeans Field Point
- Jeddore Cape
- Jeddore Head
- Jeddore Oyster Ponds
- Jeddore Rock Lighthouse
- Jeffereys Ledge
- Jefferson
- Jeffreys Island
- Jenkins Barren
- Jenkins Head
- Jenkins Island
- Jenkins Island
- Jenkins Point
- Jenks Meadow
- Jennys Point
- Jerome Ledge
- Jerome Mountain
- Jerome Point
- Jerry Island
- Jersey
- Jersey Cove
- Jerseyman Island
- Jerusalem Hill
- Jessome Point
- Jessomes Point
- Jig Rock
- Jim Camerons Meadow
- Jim Campbells Barren
- Jim Charles Point
- Jimmys Island
- Jimmys Island
- Jimmys Point
- Jimmys Roundtop
- Jims Point
- Jimtown
- Joe Bonds Shoal
- Joe Crowe Meadow
- Joe Dooks Lump
- Joe Ground
- Joe Sampsons Island
- Joes Point
- Joes Rock
- Joggin Bridge
- Joggins
- John Bank
- John Borgles Ledges
- John Davids Rock
- John Davies Point
- John Davies Shoal
- John Gammons Point
- John Harts Rock
- John Island
- John Lively Meadow
- John Lusby Marsh National Wildlife Area
- John Miseners Lump
- John Nix Shoal
- John Noonans Head
- John Peters Mountain
- John Point
- John Rices Shoal
- John Smiths Ledge
- John Spot
- John Warrens Camp Island
- John Wrights Islands
- Johnnys Meadow
- Johnnys Savannah
- Johns Island
- Johns Island
- Johns Island
- Johns Island
- Johns Island
- Johns Island Ledge
- Johns Island Rock
- Johns Island Spindle
- Johns Rock
- Johns Rocks
- Johns Shoal
- Johnson Hill
- Johnson Hill
- Johnson Mountain
- Johnson Point
- Johnsons Point
- Johnsons Point
- Johnsons Point
- Johnsons Shoal
- Johnstons Beach
- Johnstown
- Jollimore
- Jollymores Meadow
- Jonathan Rock
- Jones Harbour Point
- Jones Island
- Jones Ledge
- Jonquière Bank
- Jordan Bay
- Jordan Bay Gull Rock
- Jordan Branch
- Jordan Falls
- Jordan Ferry
- Jordan Point
- Jordantown
- Jordanville
- Joshuas Point
- Josies Islands
- Joyces Rock
- Jubilee
- Jubilee
- Judds Pool Provincial Park
- Judique
- Judique Bank
- Judique Intervale
- Judique North
- Judique Shoals
- Judique South
- Jumping Jack
- Jumping Jack Bank
- Jumping Jack Breaker
- Juniper Mountain
- Juniper Swamp
- Kaneville
- Karsdale
- Kate Rock
- Kate Rock
- Katies Point
- Katon Point
- Kaufmans Point
- Kaulback Head
- Kaulback Island
- Kaulback Meadow
- Kaulbacks Head
- Kaulbacks Peninsula
- Kavanagh Point
- Kayes Island
- Kays Rock
- Kearney Lake
- Keating Point
- Keatings Point
- Keatings Sand Beach
- Keaton Point
- Keddys Corner
- Keddys Hill
- Keeble
- Keef Point
- Keg Island
- Kehoe Hill
- Kehoe Mountain
- Keighans Island
- Keizer Meadows
- Keizer Shoal
- Kejimkujik National Historic Site of Canada
- Kejimkujik National Park of Canada
- Kejimkujik National Park Seaside Adjunct
- Kelley Island
- Kelleys Cove
- Kelly Ledge
- Kelly Meadow
- Kelly Point
- Kelly Point
- Kelly Shoals
- Kellys Beach
- Kellys Head
- Kellys Mountain
- Kellys Point
- Kellys Point
- Kelp Cove Bar
- Kelp Hauler Shore
- Kelp Ledge
- Kelp Ledge
- Kelp Rock
- Kelp Rocks
- Kelp Shoal
- Kelp Shoal
- Kelp Shoal
- Kelp Shoal
- Kelp Shoal
- Kelp Shoal
- Kelp Shoal
- Keltic Lodge
- Kemps Point
- Kempt
- Kempt Head
- Kempt Head
- Kempt Road
- Kempt Shore
- Kempton Meadow
- Kemptown
- Kempts Ledge
- Kemptville
- Kenloch
- Kennedys Ledge
- Kennedys Point
- Kennedys Rock
- Kennedys Shore
- Kennetcook
- Kenneth Point
- Kenney Hill
- Kenney Island
- Kenney Islands
- Kennington Rocks
- Kent Island
- Kents Beach
- Kentville
- Kentville Agricultural Centre
- Kentville Bird Sanctuary
- Kentville Bird Sanctuary
- Kenzieville
- Keppoch
- Kerr Point
- Kerrowgare
- Kerrs Mill Road
- Kerrs Point
- Ketch Harbour
- Ketch Harbour Head
- Ketch Head
- Ketch Shoal
- Kewstoke
- Key Island
- Kiahs Hill
- Kidston Island
- Kiley Hill
- Kileys Head
- Killarney
- Kiltarlity
- Kincaid Mountain
- King Creek Shoal
- King Meadows
- King Point
- Kingross
- Kings County Rail Trail
- Kings Head
- Kings Head
- Kings Hill
- Kings Island
- Kings Point
- Kings Rest
- Kings Rock
- Kingsburg
- Kingsport
- Kingston
- Kingsville
- Kinney Shore
- Kinsac
- Kinsmans Corner
- Kinsmans Meadows
- Kinsmen Field
- Kipps Beach
- Kirby Rock
- Kirk Bank
- Kirk Hill
- Kirkhill
- Kirkmount
- Kitiwiti Shoal
- Klondike Mountain
- Klungemache Island
- Knife Island
- Knox Rocks
- Knoydart
- Knoydart Point
- Kolbec
- Kraut Point
- Kuliks Point
- Kytes Hill
- L'Archeveque
- L'Ardoise
- L'Ardoise Beach
- L'Ardoise Head
- L'Ardoise West
- L'Hebert Rocks
- L'Hôpital
- La Baleine
- La Batture
- La Grosse Bosse
- La Haute Femme
- La Pointe
- La Pointe
- La Pointe
- La Prairie
- LaBelle
- LaBelles Cape
- Labrador Castle
- Labrecque Island
- Laceys Cove Chuckle
- Laceys Island
- Laceys Rocks
- Laconia
- Ladies Head
- Lady Laurier Rock
- Laggan
- LaHave
- LaHave Island
- LaHave Islands
- Laidlaw Hill
- Lake Annis
- Lake Centre
- Lake Charlotte
- Lake Charlotte
- Lake Doucette
- Lake Echo
- Lake Egmont
- Lake George
- Lake George
- Lake Hill
- Lake Killarney
- Lake La Rose
- Lake Major
- Lake Midway
- Lake Midway Provincial Park
- Lake of the Woods
- Lake Paul
- Lake Pleasant
- Lake Ramsay
- Lake Road
- Lake Road
- Lake Road Corner
- Lake Uist
- Lake William
- Lake-O-Law Provincial Park
- Lakelands
- Lakelands
- Lakeside
- Lakeside
- Lakevale
- Lakeview
- Lakeview
- Lakeview
- Lakeville
- Lamb Died Rock
- Lamb Island
- Lamb Point
- Lanark
- Lanes Beach
- Lanes Meadows
- Lanes Point
- Lanesville
- Laney Island
- Lang Island
- Lang Shoal
- Langley Shoal
- Langleys Island
- Langs Ledges
- Lanigan Beach
- Lank Point
- Lansberg Siding
- Lansdowne
- Lansdowne
- Lansdowne Station
- Lantern Rock
- Lantz
- Lantz Meadows
- Lapland
- Lapstone Point
- Larbord Island
- Larkins Point
- Larrys Island
- Larrys Point
- Larrys River
- Latour Rock
- Latties Brook
- Laurie Provincial Park
- Laurier Rock
- Lawler Point
- Lawlor Island
- Lawrencetown
- Lawrencetown
- Lawrencetown Beach
- Lawrencetown Beach Provincial Park
- Lawrencetown Head
- Lawsons Hill
- Lawsons Point
- Lawsons Shoal
- Laybold Island
- Laybolts Island
- Lazares Island
- Lazy Head
- Lazy Point
- Le Blanc Point
- Le Platin
- Lead Island
- Lead-in Point
- Leadbetters Meadow
- Leader Island
- Leamington
- Lears Island
- Lears Island Ledge
- Learys Shoal
- Leblanc Point
- Ledge Rocks
- Lee Hill
- Lee Point
- Lees Island
- Leg Point
- Leggatt Point
- Leiblin Park
- Leicester Ridge
- Leighton Dillman Park
- Leitches Creek
- Leitches Creek Station
- Leminster
- Lemmon Hill
- Lennox
- Lennox Passage
- Lennox Passage Provincial Park
- Lens Rock
- Leonards Island
- Lequille
- Les Caps
- Les Rochers
- Les Rochers
- Leslie Island
- Leslie Island
- Leslies Meadows
- Lesser Hope Rock
- Lesterdale
- Levangies Cape
- Levers Beach
- Levesconte Point
- Leville
- Levy Meadows
- Levy Point
- Levys Island
- Lewis Bay West
- Lewis Cove Road
- Lewis Head
- Lewis Island
- Lewis Lake
- Lewis Lake
- Lewis Lake Provincial Park
- Lewis Meadows
- Lewis Mountain
- Lewis Mountain
- Lewistown
- Lexington
- Liberty Point
- Lichfield Shoal
- Lieu historique national du Canada Alexander-Graham-Bell
- Lieu historique national du Canada de Grand-Pré
- Lieu historique national du Canada de la Forteresse-de-Louisbourg
- Lieu historique national du Canada de Port-Royal
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Canal-de-St. Peters
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort-de-l'Île-Grassy
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort-Edward
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort-Scots
- Lieu historique national du Canada Kejimkujik
- Lieu historique national du Canada Marconi
- Lieu historique national du Canada St. Peters
- Light Point
- Lighthouse Bank
- Lighthouse Bar
- Lighthouse Beach
- Lighthouse Beach
- Lighthouse Beach
- Lighthouse Cliff
- Lighthouse Point
- Lighthouse Point
- Lighthouse Point
- Lighthouse Point
- Lighthouse Road
- Lighthouse Rock
- Lighthouse Rock
- Lilydale
- Lime Head
- Lime Hill
- Lime Kiln Head
- Lime Rock
- Limerock
- Limestone Point
- Linacy
- Lincolnville
- Linden
- Lindloffs Island
- Lindsay Lake
- Lindsay Meadows
- Lingan
- Lingan Beach
- Lingan Road
- Linnys Head
- Linwood
- Linwood Beach
- Lisas Shoal
- Liscomb
- Liscomb Game Sanctuary
- Liscomb Island
- Liscomb Island Lighthouse
- Liscomb Mills
- Liscomb Mills
- Liscomb Point
- Liscomb Point
- Liscomb Shoal
- Lismore
- Litchfield
- Little Anse
- Little Bald Rock
- Little Bald Tusket Island
- Little Bald Tusket Shoal
- Little Ball Rock
- Little Barren
- Little Bass River
- Little Beech Hill
- Little Black Ledge
- Little Bluff
- Little Bobs Bluff
- Little Bras d'Or
- Little Bras d'Or South Side
- Little Breaker
- Little Breaker
- Little Brig Rock
- Little Brook
- Little Brook Savannah
- Little Brook Station
- Little Brother Island
- Little Bull
- Little Bunker Island
- Little Calf Island
- Little Calf Island
- Little Caribou Spit
- Little Castle
- Little Cat Island
- Little Chain Island
- Little Cranberry Island
- Little Cross Island
- Little Crow Island
- Little Darby
- Little Dick
- Little Dick Rock
- Little Dover (White) Island
- Little Duck Island
- Little Dyke
- Little Dyke Beach
- Little East Point Island
- Little Egypt Road
- Little Fish Island
- Little Fish Island
- Little Flat Rock
- Little Forks
- Little Friar
- Little Gates Island
- Little Glode Island
- Little Goat Rock
- Little Goose Island
- Little Gooseberry Island
- Little Gooseberry Island
- Little Gooseberry Island
- Little Grappling Beach
- Little Grassy Point
- Little Green Island
- Little Green Island
- Little Guilford Islands
- Little Half Bald Tusket Island
- Little Halibut Island
- Little Harbour
- Little Harbour
- Little Harbour
- Little Harbour
- Little Harbour Head
- Little Harbour Ledge
- Little Harbour Road
- Little Hawbolt Shoal
- Little Head
- Little Head
- Little Hen Island
- Little Herman Island
- Little Hog Island
- Little Hog Island
- Little Hog Island Ledge
- Little Hope Island
- Little Hope Island Lighthouse (historical)
- Little Hope Shoal
- Little Horse Race
- Little Hurley Shoal
- Little Indian Point
- Little Ironbound Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island
- Little Island in the Harbour
- Little Islands
- Little Islands
- Little Judique
- Little Judique Ponds
- Little La Mouna Island
- Little Ledge
- Little Ledge
- Little Ledge
- Little Ledge
- Little Ledge
- Little Liscomb
- Little Long Breaker
- Little Long Island
- Little Lorraine
- Little Lorraine Head
- Little Lurcher
- Little Mabou
- Little Milightie Island
- Little Muise Island
- Little Narrows
- Little Old Man
- Little Point
- Little Point
- Little Pollock
- Little Pond
- Little Port L'Hebert
- Little Potato Island
- Little Puncheon Island
- Little Rafuse Island
- Little Rissers Beach
- Little River
- Little River
- Little River
- Little River Harbour
- Little Rock
- Little Rocky Island
- Little Ryers Lake Meadows
- Little Scraggy Barren
- Little Shag Rock
- Little Ship Island
- Little Ship Rock
- Little Shoal
- Little Shoal
- Little Spirits Islands
- Little Split Rock
- Little Stoney Island
- Little Stoney Island
- Little Sweat Island
- Little Tancook
- Little Tancook Island
- Little Thrum
- Little Thrum
- Little Thrum Cap
- Little Thrumcap
- Little Timber Island
- Little Tobacco Rock
- Little Tom Cod
- Little Tommys Ledge
- Little Tuffin Island
- Little Tusket
- Little White Island
- Little Woody Island
- LittleShag Rock
- Lively Meadows
- Liver Rock
- Liverpool
- Liverpool Ledge
- Liverpool South Shore Regional Airport
- Livingstone Cove
- Livingstone Point
- Livingstone Shoal
- Lizzie Ledge
- Lloyds
- Lloyds Point
- Lloyds Rock
- Loaf Hill
- Lobster Bar
- Lobster Claw
- Lobster Claw Beach
- Lobster Island
- Lobster Island
- Lobster Ledge
- Lobster Ledge
- Lobster Point
- Lobster Point
- Lobster Point
- Lobster Rock
- Lobster Rock
- Loch Broom
- Loch Broom Islet
- Loch Broom Point
- Loch Katrine
- Loch Lomond
- Loch Lomond West
- Lochaber
- Lochaber Mines
- Lochiel Lake Provincial Park
- Lochside
- Lochside
- Lochview Road
- Lock Point
- Locke Island
- Locke Point
- Lockeport
- Lockes Island
- Lockharts Hill
- Lockhartville
- Lockherds Point
- Lockwood Rock
- Lodge Point
- Logan Subdivision
- Logans Point
- Loganville
- Lohnes Head
- Londonderry
- Londonderry Station
- Lone Cloud Island
- Lone Rock
- Lone Rock
- Lone Rock
- Long Bar
- Long Bar
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Beach
- Long Breaker
- Long Breaker
- Long Cove Point
- Long Cove Point
- Long Hill
- Long Hill
- Long Hill
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island Head
- Long Island Main
- Long Island Shoal
- Long Lake Provincial Park
- Long Ledge
- Long Ledge
- Long Ledge
- Long Ledge
- Long Ledge
- Long Ledge
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point
- Long Point Ledges
- Long Pond Beach
- Long Reef Point
- Long Rock
- Long Rock
- Long Rock
- Long Rocks
- Long Savannah
- Long Shoal
- Long Shoal
- Long Shoal
- Long Shoals
- Long Spell Rocks
- Long Spit
- Longbeach Point
- Longspell Point
- Lookout Hill
- Lookout Hill
- Lookout Hill
- Lookout Island
- Lookout Point
- Lookout Rocks
- Loomer Rock
- Loon Island
- Loon Island
- Loon Island
- Loon Island
- Loon Point
- Lordlys Meadow
- Loretta Convent
- Lorne
- Lornevale
- Lorneville
- Lorraine Head
- Lorraine Rock
- Lorway Rock
- Lorway Shoal
- Louis Head
- Louis Head
- Louis Head Beach
- Louis Point
- Louisbourg
- Louisbourg Road
- Louisdale
- Louisville
- Lourdes
- Lous Ledge
- Louse Harbour Island
- Louse Head
- Lovat
- Lovett Point
- Lovetts Shoal
- Lovitts Island
- Low Island
- Low Landing
- Low Ledges
- Low Point
- Low Point
- Low Point
- Low Point Lighthouse
- Low Water Rocks
- Lowdens Beach
- Lowell Point
- Lower Argyle
- Lower Bar
- Lower Barneys River
- Lower Bay Shoal
- Lower Beach
- Lower Blomidon
- Lower Branch
- Lower Burlington
- Lower Caledonia
- Lower Canard
- Lower Carney Rock
- Lower Cheaters Head
- Lower Clarks Harbour
- Lower Concession
- Lower Cove
- Lower Debert
- Lower Debert Beach
- Lower East Chezzetcook
- Lower East Chezzetcook Beach
- Lower East Pubnico
- Lower Economy
- Lower Eel Brook
- Lower Five Islands
- Lower Gannet Rock
- Lower Glencoe
- Lower Grant Road
- Lower Great Brook Meadows
- Lower Greenville
- Lower Gulf Shore
- Lower Harmony
- Lower Hillsdale
- Lower Jordan Bay
- Lower L'Ardoise
- Lower LaHave
- Lower Maccan
- Lower Meaghers Grant
- Lower Melbourne
- Lower Middle River
- Lower Middleton
- Lower Mount Thom
- Lower New Cornwall
- Lower Nine Mile River
- Lower North Grant
- Lower Northfield
- Lower Ohio
- Lower Onslow
- Lower Pleasant Valley
- Lower Point
- Lower Point
- Lower Prospect
- Lower River Hebert
- Lower River Inhabitants
- Lower Rose Bay
- Lower Sackville
- Lower Sandy Point
- Lower Saulnierville
- Lower Selma
- Lower Shag Harbour
- Lower Shinimicas
- Lower Ship Harbour
- Lower South River
- Lower Springfield
- Lower St. Esprit
- Lower Three Fathom Harbour
- Lower Truro
- Lower Vaughan
- Lower Washabuck
- Lower Wedgeport
- Lower Wentworth
- Lower West Jeddore
- Lower West Pubnico
- Lower West River
- Lower Wharf Rock
- Lower Whitehead
- Lower Wolfville
- Lower Woods Harbour
- Lower Woody Island
- Lowes Meadows
- Lowland Point
- Lowther Meadows
- Loye Island
- Lucas Beach
- Lucas Island
- Lucas Ledge
- Lucas Point
- Lucasville
- Lucy Island
- Lucys Bar
- Luddington Point
- Lukes Island
- Lukes Point
- Lumpfish Bank
- Lumpfish Shoal
- Lumsden Dam
- Lumsden Pond Provincial Park
- Lumsden Shoal
- Lundy
- Lunenburg
- Lurcher Shoal Light Buoy
- Luxtons Meadow
- Lydgate
- Lyles Hill
- Lyles Hill Savannah
- Lynch Island
- Lynch Rocks
- Lynch Shoal
- Lynche River
- Lynchs Mountain
- Lynds Point
- Lynn
- Lynn Mountain
- Lyons Beach
- Lyons Brook
- Lyons Head
- Lyons Ledges
- Mabou
- Mabou Harbour
- Mabou Harbour Mountain
- Mabou Harbour Mouth
- Mabou Mines
- Mabou Mountain
- Mabou Provincial Park
- Mabou Station
- MacAulay Meadows
- MacAulays Haymarsh
- MacAulays Hill
- MacAuleys Point
- MacBains Corner
- Maccan
- Maccan River Wildlife Management Area
- MacCarthys Clam Bank
- MacCarthys Point
- MacCormicks Corner
- MacCormicks Point
- MacCourtreys Barrens
- MacDermid Shoal
- MacDermids Rock
- Macdonald Island
- MacDonald Mountain
- Macdonald Point
- MacDonald Point
- MacDonald Rock
- MacDonald Rock
- MacDonalds Beach
- MacDonalds Beach
- MacDonalds Glen
- MacDonalds Head
- MacDonalds Mountain
- MacDonalds Point
- MacDonalds Point
- MacDonalds Point
- MacDonalds Point
- MacDonalds Point
- MacDonalds Point
- MacDonalds Point
- MacDonalds Rock
- MacDonalds Shoal
- MacDonalds Shoals
- MacDougall Point
- MacDougalls Point
- MacDougalls Point
- MacEachern Point
- MacEacherns Point
- MacEacherns Point
- MacElmons Pond Provincial Park
- Macfarlane Point
- MacFarlane Point
- MacInnis Island
- MacIntosh Point
- MacIntosh Point
- MacIntoshs Inner Breaker
- MacIntoshs Mountain
- MacIntoshs Outer Breaker
- MacIntoshs Point
- MacIntyre Lake
- MacIsaac Point
- MacIsaacs Cape
- MacIsaacs Island
- MacIsaacs Mountain
- MacIsaacs Point
- MacIsaacs Rock
- MacIvers Bank
- MacIvers Point
- MacKay Point
- MacKays Cape
- MacKays Corner
- MacKays Island
- MacKays Point
- MacKays Point
- Mackdale
- MacKeigans Point
- Mackenzie Head
- Mackenzie Point
- Mackenzie Point
- MacKenzie Point
- MacKenzie Point
- Mackenzie Shoal
- MacKenzies Barren
- MacKenzies Breaker
- MacKenzies Meadow
- MacKenzies Mountain
- MacKenzies Point
- MacKenzies Point
- MacKenzies Point
- MacKenzies Point
- MacKenzies Point
- Mackerel Island
- Mackerel Islands
- Mackerel Point
- Mackerel Point
- Mackerel Point
- Mackerel Rock
- Mackerel Rock
- Mackerel Rock
- Mackerel Rock
- Mackerel Rock
- Mackerel Rock
- Mackerel Shoal
- MacKinlays Point
- MacKinley Shoal
- MacKinnons Beach
- MacKinnons Breaker
- MacKinnons Brook
- MacKinnons Island
- MacKinnons Mountain
- MacKinnons Point
- MacKinnons Point
- Macks Hill
- MacLarens Rock
- MacLean Beach Point
- MacLean Meadow
- MacLean Point
- MacLean Point
- MacLeans Beach
- MacLeans Island
- MacLeans Point
- MacLeans Point
- MacLeans Point
- MacLeans Point
- MacLeans Point
- MacLeans Shoal
- MacLellan Mountain
- MacLellans Island
- MacLellans Shore
- Macleod Island
- Macleod Point
- MacLeod Settlement
- MacLeods Beach
- MacLeods Cape
- MacLeods Hill
- MacLeods Island
- MacLeods Meadow
- MacLeods Mountain
- MacLeods Point
- MacLeods Point
- MacLeods Point
- MacLeods Point
- MacLeods Shoal
- MacLeods Shore
- MacMasters Point
- MacMillan Mountain
- MacMillans Mountain
- MacMillans Point
- MacMillans Point
- MacMillans Point
- MacNabs Island
- MacNabs Point
- MacNamaras Island
- MacNeil Point
- MacNeils Beach
- MacNeils Island
- MacNeils Point
- MacNeils Vale
- MacPhails Island
- MacPhee Shoal
- MacPhees Corner
- MacPhees Island
- MacPherson Lake
- MacPherson Point
- MacPhersons Meadows
- MacPhersons Shore
- Macquarrie Point
- MacQuarries Beach
- MacRae Island
- MacRae Point
- MacRae Point
- MacRaes Beach
- MacRaes Island
- MacRaes Island
- MacRaes Point
- MacRaes Point
- MacRaes Shoal
- MacRitchies Point
- Macs Meadow
- MacSweens Beach
- MacVicar Point
- Mad Bull
- Mad Dick Rock
- Mad Moll
- Mad Moll Rock
- Mad Rock
- Mad Rock
- Mad Rock
- Mad Rocks
- Madagascar Rock
- Madden Point
- Madeline Point
- Maders Cove
- Madisons Ledge
- Madners Island
- Maggie Garrons Point
- Magnus Island
- Mahone Bay
- Mahoneys Beach
- Mahoneys Beach
- Mahoneys Corner
- Mahoneys Point
- Main Ledges
- Main-à-Dieu
- Main-à-Dieu Lighthouse
- Main-à-Dieu Shore
- Mainwaring Island
- Maitland
- Maitland
- Maitland Bridge
- Maitland Forks
- Malagash
- Malagash Island
- Malagash Mine
- Malagash Point
- Malagash Point
- Malagash Station
- Malagawatch
- Malagawatch 4
- Malagawatch Point
- Malay Falls
- Malay Meadow
- Malcolms Island
- Malcolms Meadows
- Malcolms Rock
- Malignant Cove
- Mallettes Meadow
- Maloney Rock
- Maloney Shoal
- Maloneys Island
- Man of War
- Man of War Point
- Man of War Rock
- Man of War Rock
- Man of War Rock
- Man of War Rocks
- Manassette Lake
- Manchester
- Maneys Breaker
- Manganese Mines
- Manganese Mines Wildlife Management Area
- Mansfield
- Mansfield Woods
- Mantua
- Manuels Island
- Maple Brook
- Maple Grove
- Maple Island
- Maple Point
- Maplesue Point
- Mapleton
- Maplewood
- Marache Point
- Marble Hill
- Marble Hill
- Marble Mountain
- Marble Point
- Marchand Ledge
- Marconi National Historic Site of Canada
- Marconi Towers
- Mare Shoal
- Margaree 25
- Margaree Brook
- Margaree Centre
- Margaree Forks
- Margaree Harbour
- Margaree Island (Sea Wolf Island)
- Margaree Valley
- Margaretsville
- Margaretsville Bank
- Margaretsville Point
- Marie Joseph
- Marie Joseph Breaker
- Marie Joseph Provincial Park
- Marie-Joseph Lighthouse
- Marinette
- Marion Bridge
- Marion Bridge Road
- Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
- Mark Island
- Mark Island Bar
- Mark Meadows
- Mark Shoal
- Markie Point
- Markland
- Marks Island
- Marks Ledge
- Maroon Hill
- Maroon Hill
- Marriotts Cove
- Marriotts Meadows
- Marrs Head
- Marrs Island
- Marrs Island
- Mars Head
- Mars Rock
- Marsh
- Marsh Brook
- Marsh Gutter Rock
- Marsh Island
- Marsh Island
- Marsh Island
- Marsh Point
- Marsh Point
- Marsh Point
- Marsh Point
- Marsh Point
- Marsh Point
- Marsh Point
- Marshall Dam
- Marshall Point
- Marshalls Crossing
- Marshalls Hill
- Marshalltown
- Marshdale
- Marshes (West Bay)
- Marshville
- Marshy Hope
- Martin Island
- Martin Point
- Martin Powers Mountain
- Martinique
- Martinique Beach
- Martinique Beach Game Sanctuary
- Martinique Beach Provincial Park
- Martins Beach
- Martins Brook
- Martins Island
- Martins Point
- Martins Point
- Martins Point
- Martins Point
- Martins Point
- Martins Point
- Martins Point
- Martins River
- Martock
- Martock Mountain
- Marvin Island Ledge
- Marvins Island
- Marvins Island
- Mary Island
- Mary Island
- Marydale
- Marys Hill
- Marys Island
- Marys Rocks
- Maryvale
- Maryville
- Mash Island
- Mason Island
- Mason Island
- Mason Meadow
- Mason Point
- Mason Point
- Mason Point
- Masons Beach
- Masons Beach
- Masons Island
- Masons Mountain
- Masons Point
- Masons Point
- Masons Point
- Masons Point
- Masons Point
- Massacre Island
- Massey Hill
- Masseys Beach
- Masstown
- Mathesons Island
- Mathesons Lookout
- Mathesons Rock
- Mathias Hill
- Mathieu Island
- Matthews Islands
- Mattie Island
- Mattie Settlement
- Maugher Beach
- Maugher Beach Lighthouse
- Mavilette Beach Provincial Park
- Mavillette
- Mavillette Shoal
- Maxwellton
- Mayfield Bank Park
- Mayflower
- McAdam Point
- McAdams Lake
- McArras Brook
- McCalls Island
- McCallum Settlement
- McCarthys Island
- McCaul Island
- McCaul Point
- McClures Mills
- McCoys Point
- McCoys Ridge
- McCreadyville
- McCulloch Meadow
- McCurdys Corner
- McDormand Patch
- McDougall Bluff
- McEvoys Barren
- McEwan Meadows
- McGillivray Point
- McGintys Meadows
- McGlones Island
- McGrath Hill
- McGraths Cove
- McGraths Island
- McGraths Mountain
- McGregor Mountain
- McInnes Point
- McInnes Shoals
- McIntyres Mountain
- McIntyres Mountain
- McIvers Head
- McKay Head
- McKay Point
- McKay Rock
- McKay Section
- McKay Siding
- McKays Corner
- McKays Point
- McKean Point
- McKeen Point
- McKeens Point
- McKinleys Ledge
- McKinnon Neck
- McKinnons Harbour
- McKinnons Point
- McKinnons Shoal
- McLaughlin Bluff
- McLean Island
- McLean Island
- McLean Neck
- McLean Point
- McLellans Brook
- McLellans Mountain
- McLellans Mountain
- McLeod Bluff
- McLeod Point
- McLeods Crossing
- McMullin Meadows
- McNabs Cove
- McNabs Island
- McNabs Island
- McNabs Island , N. S.
- McNabs Point
- McNairs Point
- McNeil Beach
- McNeil Point
- McNutts Island
- McNutts Island
- McNutts Point
- McPhee Island
- McPhersons Mills
- McVarish Shoal
- McWhinnies Point
- Meades Point
- Meadow
- Meadow Green
- Meadow Springs
- Meadows Road
- Meadowvale
- Meadowvale
- Meadowville
- Meagher
- Meaghers Grant
- Meal Rocks
- Meat Cove
- Medford
- Medford Beach
- Medway Head
- Medway Head Lighthouse
- Medway Ledge
- Medway River 11
- Meeting Island
- Mehanny Rock
- Meiseners Point
- Meisner Point
- Meisners Beach
- Meisners Beach
- Meisners Island
- Meisners Meadow
- Meisners Shoal
- Melancholy Mountain
- Melanson
- Melbourne
- Melbourne Lake Sanctuary
- Melford
- Melford Point
- Melmerby Beach
- Melmerby Beach Provincial Park
- Melrose
- Melrose Hill
- Melvern Square
- Melville
- Melville Cove
- Melville Island
- Melvin Island
- Melvin Shoal
- Membertou 28B
- Mercury Rock
- Merigomish
- Merigomish Harbour 31
- Merigomish Point
- Merland
- Merlin Rock
- Merritt Point
- Merrymakedge Beach
- Mersey Point
- Mersey Point
- Metahead Bank
- Meteghan
- Meteghan Centre
- Meteghan River
- Meteghan Station
- Mica Head
- Mica Hill
- Michaud Ledge
- Michaud Ledges
- Michels Point
- Mickey Hill
- Micks Point
- Micmac
- Micmac
- Micmac Village
- Mid Ledge
- Mid Shoal
- Middle Barneys River
- Middle Breaker
- Middle Cape
- Middle Cape
- Middle Chain Island
- Middle Clyde River
- Middle Country Harbour
- Middle East Pubnico
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Ground
- Middle Grounds
- Middle Grounds
- Middle Halibut Island
- Middle Harbour Beach
- Middle Head
- Middle Head
- Middle Head
- Middle Island
- Middle Island
- Middle Island
- Middle Island Rock
- Middle LaHave
- Middle Ledge
- Middle Ledge
- Middle Ledge
- Middle Manchester
- Middle Melford
- Middle Musquodoboit
- Middle Neck
- Middle New Cornwall
- Middle Ohio
- Middle Patch
- Middle Point
- Middle Point
- Middle Point
- Middle Point
- Middle Point
- Middle Point Rock
- Middle Porters Lake
- Middle River
- Middle River
- Middle River Ledge
- Middle Rock
- Middle Rock
- Middle Rock
- Middle Rock
- Middle Rock
- Middle Rock
- Middle Rock
- Middle Sackville
- Middle Shoal
- Middle Shoal
- Middle Shoal
- Middle Shoal
- Middle Shoal
- Middle Shoal
- Middle Shoal
- Middle Shoal
- Middle Shoals
- Middle Stewiacke
- Middle Village
- Middle West Pubnico
- Middleboro
- Middlefield
- Middleground Shoal
- Middleground Shoal
- Middleton
- Middleton
- Middleton
- Middleton Corner
- Middletons Ledge
- Middlewood
- Midville Branch
- Mikes Island
- Mikes Islands
- Mikes Little Island
- Mikes Point
- Mile Rock
- Milford
- Milford Haven
- Milford Station
- Militia Island
- Militia Point
- Militia Point
- Mill Brook
- Mill Cove
- Mill Cove Point
- Mill Creek
- Mill Creek
- Mill Hill
- Mill Pond
- Mill Road
- Mill Section
- Mill Village
- Mill Village
- Millards Point
- Millbrook
- Millbrook
- Millbrook 27
- Millen Mountain
- Miller Creek
- Miller Meadows
- Miller Meadows
- Miller Mountain
- Miller Road
- Millers Corner
- Millers Corner
- Millers Island
- Millers Meadow
- Millers Point
- Millstone Island
- Millstone Island
- Millstream
- Millsville
- Millvale
- Millview
- Millville
- Millville Boularderie
- Milton
- Minard Island
- Minas Basin Wildlife Management Area
- Minasville
- Miner's Marsh
- Mines Point
- Minesville
- Minister Hill
- Minister Rock
- Mink Cove
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Island
- Mink Islands
- Minudie
- Minudie Point
- Mira Beach
- Mira Gut
- Mira Hills
- Mira River Provincial Park
- Mira Road
- Miramichi
- Miseners Head
- Mitchel Point
- Mitchell Bay
- Mitchell Island
- Mitchell Ledge
- Mitchell Meadows
- Mitchell Point
- Mitchell Point
- Mitchell Point
- Mitchells Beach
- Mitchells Hill
- Mitchells Hill
- Mitchells Island
- Mitchells Point
- Mitchener Point
- Mizies Point
- Mohawk Ledge
- Moiche Hill
- Moland Point
- Molega
- Molega Beach
- Monahan Island
- Monahan Island
- Monastery
- Money Island
- Money Island
- Money Ledge
- Money Point
- Money Point
- Money Point
- Money Rocks
- Monk Point
- Monk Point
- Monks Head
- Monks Head
- Monroe Point
- Monroe Rock
- Monroe Rock
- Montagne Noire
- Montague Gold Mines
- Montavista
- Montrose
- Moodie Point
- Moodys Corner
- Moodys Point
- Moon Point
- Moore Island
- Moore Point
- Moores Hill
- Moores Island
- Moores Ledge
- Moose Brook
- Moose Harbour
- Moose Head
- Moose Head
- Moose Hill
- Moose Hill
- Moose Hill
- Moose Hill
- Moose Hill
- Moose Hill Point
- Moose Island
- Moose Island
- Moose Island
- Moose Island
- Moose Island
- Moose Island
- Moose Island
- Moose Point
- Moose Point
- Moose Point
- Moose Point
- Moose River
- Moose River
- Moose River Gold Mines
- Moose River Gold Mines Provincial Park
- Moose Rock
- Moosebone Bogs
- Moosehead
- Moosehead Island
- Moosehead Island
- Moque Head
- Morar
- Morashs Ledges
- Morashs Meadow
- Moravian Rock
- Morden
- Morgan Island
- Morganville
- Morien
- Morien Hill
- Morrell Island
- Morris Bank
- Morris Beach
- Morris Island
- Morris Island
- Morris Point
- Morris Point
- Morris Point Shoal
- Morris Rock
- Morris Shoal
- Morrison Head
- Morrison Island
- Morrison Point
- Morrison Road
- Morrisons Beach
- Morrisons Breaker
- Morrisons Point
- Morristown
- Morristown
- Morton Neck
- Mortons Island
- Moschelle
- Moser River
- Moser Rock
- Mosers Island
- Moses Hill
- Moses Island
- Moses Mountain
- Moses Nose
- Moses Shoal
- Mosher Meadow
- Moshers Beach
- Moshers Beach
- Moshers Corner
- Moshers Head
- Moshers Head
- Moshers Head Beach
- Moshers Island
- Moshers Island
- Moshers Island Lighthouse
- Moshers Ledge
- Moshers Meadows
- Moshers Point
- Mosherville
- Mossman Corner
- Mother Owens Point
- Mother Owens Rocks
- Moulin Point
- Mount Adam
- Mount Auburn
- Mount Cameron
- Mount Coady
- Mount Denson
- Mount Edward
- Mount Ephraim
- Mount Granville
- Mount Hanley
- Mount MacDonald
- Mount McCurdy
- Mount Merrit
- Mount Misery
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Portobello
- Mount Rascal
- Mount Rose
- Mount Shubley
- Mount Thom
- Mount Thom
- Mount Tom
- Mount Tom
- Mount Uniacke
- Mount Uniacke
- Mount Uniacke Gold District
- Mount Uniacke Provincial Park
- Mount William
- Mount Young
- Mountain Front
- Mountain Hill
- Mountain Island
- Mountain Island
- Mountain Island
- Mountain Road
- Mountain Shoals
- Mountville
- Mouse Island
- Mouse Island
- Mouse Island
- Mouse Island
- Mouse Island
- Moyac Point
- Moydart Point
- Mud Island
- Muddy Plains
- Muirs Point
- Muise Head
- Muise Head Island
- Muises Point
- Muless Island
- Mulgrave
- Mulgrave Hill
- Mulgrave Park
- Mulgrave Park (historical)
- Mull River
- Mullins Point
- Munro Point
- Munro Point
- Munroe Point
- Munroes Barren
- Munroes Island
- Munroes Island
- Munroes Point
- Munroes Point
- Munros Bank
- Munros Point
- Munros Point
- Murchyville
- Murder Island
- Murder Island Bar
- Murder Island Ledge
- Murdoch Head
- Murdoch Ledge
- Murdochs Rock
- Murdock Shoal
- Murdocks Point
- Murdocks Shoal
- Murphy Cove
- Murphy Hill
- Murphy Lake
- Murphy Point
- Murphy Point
- Murphy Point
- Murphys Ledge
- Murphys Point
- Murray
- Murray Beach
- Murray Carter Meadow
- Murray Meadows
- Murray Mountain
- Murray Point
- Murray Shoal
- Murrays Point
- Murrays Siding
- Museum of Natural History
- Mushaboom
- Mushaboom Shoal
- Musquodoboit Harbour
- Musquodoboit Shoal
- Musquodoboit Valley Provincial Park
- Mussel Bed
- Mussel Island
- Mussel Island
- Mussel Point
- Mussel Point
- Mussel Ridge Rock
- Mutton Island
- Myers Island
- Myers Point
- Myers Rock
- Myettes Beach
- Myettes Island
- Myra Rock
- Myras Beach
- Naas Head
- Nabs Island
- Nags Head
- Nags Head
- Nags Rock
- Nameless Shoal
- Nanny Island
- Nannys Island
- Nappan
- Narrows Point
- Nauffts Point
- Nauffts Rock
- Nauglers Hill
- Nauglers Settlement
- Nauss Point
- Nautilus Rock
- Naval Cemetery
- Naval Radio Section Newport Corner, Longwave Transmission Mast East
- Naval Radio Section Newport Corner, Longwave Transmission Mast North
- Naval Radio Section Newport Corner, Longwave Transmission Mast South
- Navy Island
- Neale Island
- Nearings Rock
- Necum Point
- Necum Teuch
- Ned Island
- Neil Island
- Neil Point
- Neils Barren
- Neils Harbour
- Neils Harbour Breaker
- Neils Harbour Point
- Neils Island
- Neils Point
- Neilys Point
- Nelgah Beach
- Nelsons Point
- Nelsons Point
- Nepsedek Ridge
- Net Ledge
- Net Ledge
- Net Ledge
- Net Lump
- Net Mooring Point
- Net Point
- Net Point
- Net Rock
- Net Rock
- Net Rock
- Net Rock
- Net Rocks
- Net Shoal
- Nevada Valley
- Neverfail Point
- Neverfail Shoal
- Neverfail Shoal
- Nevertell Meadows
- New Aberdeen
- New Albany
- New Boston
- New Britain
- New Campbellton
- New Canaan
- New Canada
- New Chester
- New Cumberland
- New Dominion
- New Edinburgh
- New Elm
- New France
- New France
- New Gairloch
- New Germany
- New Glasgow
- New Glen
- New Grafton
- New Harbour
- New Harbour
- New Harbour Beach
- New Harbour East
- New Harbour Head
- New Harbour Point
- New Harbour Rock
- New Harbour West
- New Harris Forks
- New Harris Settlement
- New Haven
- New Hope Wesleyan Church
- New Lairg
- New Minas
- New Prospect
- New Road Hill
- New Ross
- New Ross 20
- New Russell
- New Salem
- New Shoal
- New Truro Road
- New Tusket
- New Victoria
- New Waterford
- New Yarmouth
- New Yarmouth Mountain
- Newburne
- Newcomb Corner
- Newcombville
- Newell Head
- Newells Point
- Newellton
- Newport Corner
- Newport Landing
- Newport Station
- Newton Mills
- Newtonville
- Newtown
- Newtown
- Nichols Point
- Nichols Point
- Nichols Point
- Nicholson Hill
- Nicholson Island
- Nicholsons Island
- Nicholsville
- Nick Shoal
- Nickerson Rock
- Nickerson Rock
- Nickersons Bar
- Nickersons Point
- Nickersons Rock
- Nictaux
- Nictaux East
- Nictaux Falls
- Nictaux Falls
- Nictaux South
- Nictaux West
- Nieforths Hill
- Nine Mile River
- Nineveh
- Nineveh
- Nixons Mate Shoal
- No. 2 Deep Water Terminus Wharf (historical)
- Noddy Island
- Noddy Island Bar
- Noddy Island Ground
- Noel
- Noel Head
- Noel Point
- Noel Road
- Noel Shore
- Noir Point
- Noneck Point
- Normans Head
- Norris Bald Rock
- Norris Head
- Norris Island
- Norris Island
- Norris Rock
- North Ainslie
- North Alton
- North Angle Ledge
- North Barren
- North Bay Ingonish Beach
- North Beaver Bank
- North Bloomfield
- North Blue Hill
- North Brookfield
- North Canso Light (historical)
- North Cape Highlands
- North Chegoggin
- North Coal Pier (historical)
- North Earltown
- North East Harbour
- North East Margaree
- North East Point
- North East Point
- North Fourchu
- North Framboise
- North Glen
- North Grand Pré
- North Grant
- North Greville
- North Harbour Beach
- North Harbour Breaker
- North Head
- North Intervale
- North Kemptville
- North Kingston
- North Lakevale
- North Lochaber
- North Meadow
- North Medford
- North Middleboro
- North Mountain
- North Mountain
- North Mountain
- North Noel Road
- North Ogden
- North Point
- North Point
- North Preston
- North Range
- North River
- North River
- North River Bridge
- North River Centre
- North Riverside
- North Roberts Hill
- North Rock
- North Rock
- North Rock Shoal
- North Salem
- North Shoal
- North Shore
- North Shore
- North Side Whycocomagh Bay
- North Sister Rock
- North Sydney
- North Sydney
- North Wallace
- North Wallace Bay
- North West Arm
- North West Harbour
- North Williamston
- Northbrook Park
- Northeast Bank
- Northeast Bluff
- Northeast Coachman
- Northeast Mabou
- Northeast Point
- Northeast Rock
- Northeast Shoal
- Northeast Shoal
- Northeast Shoal
- Northern End
- Northern End
- Northern End
- Northern End Ledge
- Northern Head
- Northern Head
- Northern Head
- Northern Head
- Northern Head
- Northern Peak
- Northern Point
- Northfield
- Northfield
- Northfield
- Northport
- Northport Beach Provincial Park
- Norths Corner
- Northside East Bay
- Northside Mountain
- Northville
- Northwest
- Northwest Arm Intervale
- Northwest Bank
- Northwest Bank
- Northwest Bar
- Northwest Breaker
- Northwest Cove
- Northwest Head
- Northwest Ledge
- Northwest Point
- Northwest Rock
- Northwestern Bank
- Northwestern Shoal
- Norway Island
- Norway Point
- Norway Point
- Norwegian Head
- Norwegian Mountain
- Norwood
- Nose Shoal
- Nova Scotia Community College
- Nova Scotia's Balmoral Farm
- Nowlans Point
- Nowlans Shoal
- Nowlans Shoal
- Nubble Island
- Nubble Rock
- Number Shoal
- Nuttall Hill
- Nuttby
- Nuttby Mountain
- Nyanza
- O'Briens Point
- O'Learys Rock
- O'Neils Point
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill
- Oak Island
- Oak Island
- Oak Island
- Oak Island
- Oak Island
- Oak Island Bar
- Oak Park
- Oak Point
- Oak Point
- Oak Point
- Oak Point
- Oak Point
- Oak Point Ledges
- Oak Tree Point
- Oakfield
- Oakfield
- Oakfield Provincial Park
- Oakland
- Oakland Ridge
- Oaklawn Farm Zoo
- Oban
- Oceanview
- Ogden
- Ogilvie
- Ohio
- Ohio
- Oickle Island
- Old Barns
- Old Beacon Rocks
- Old Cobequid Road
- Old Fort Point
- Old Holland Road
- Old Houses Point
- Old Man
- Old Man
- Old Man Rock
- Old Man Rock
- Old Man Shoal
- Old Mother Slate Rock
- Old Notch
- Old Point
- Old Railway Point
- Old Sweat
- Old Town Lunenburg World Heritage Site
- Old Woman
- Oldham
- Olding Island
- Olding Point
- Oliver
- Oliver Island
- One Tree Island
- Onslow
- Onslow Mountain
- Orangedale
- Orangedale East
- Ordes Meadow
- Oregon
- Orkney Island
- Orkney Islands
- Orpheus Rock
- Osborne Harbour
- Osborne Head
- Osborne Head Range
- Osprey Ridge Golf Club
- Ostrea Lake
- Otter Banks
- Otter Brook
- Otter Island
- Otter Island
- Otter Island
- Otter Island
- Otter Point
- Otter Point
- Otter Point
- Otter Rocks
- Ouetique Island
- Outer Bald Tusket Island
- Outer Bank
- Outer Black Point
- Outer Clearing Shoal
- Outer Farm Ledge
- Outer Fox Rocks
- Outer Gull Island
- Outer Gull Ledge
- Outer Island
- Outer Island
- Outer Island
- Outer Island Bar
- Outer Islands
- Outer Middle Ground
- Outer Middle Rock
- Outer Red Bank
- Outer Rock
- Outer Rock
- Outer Sheep Island
- Outer Shoal
- Outer Shoal
- Outer Table Rock
- Outram
- Outside Annies Shoal
- Outside Dry Rock
- Outside Eastern Harbour Island
- Outside Middle Grounds
- Outside Net Rock
- Outside Seal Rock
- Outside Sinker
- Outside Sisters
- Ovens Point
- Overalls Island
- Overton
- Owen Island
- Owen Point
- Owens Point
- Owens Point
- Owl Head
- Owls Head
- Owls Head
- Owls Head
- Owls Head
- Owls Head
- Owls Head Harbour
- Owls Head Hill
- Owls Head Island
- Owls Head Lighthouse
- Owls Head Rock
- Owls Hill
- Ox Cliff
- Ox Eye Rock
- Oxford
- Oxford Junction
- Oxford Point
- Oxford Point
- Oxley Point
- Oxners Beach
- Oxners Head
- Oxners Rock
- Oyster Island
- Oyster Point
- Oyster Point
- Ozie Meadows
- Paces Point
- Paddle Rock
- Paddle Shoal
- Paddy Ledge
- Paddy Rock
- Paddys Beach
- Paddys Head
- Paddys Island
- Paddys Ledge
- Paddys Rock
- Page Island
- Page Point
- Palmer Point
- Pan Rock
- Pan Shoal
- Panama Rock
- Pancake Shoal
- Panuke Road
- Paradise
- Paragon Golf and Country Club
- Parc national du Canada des Hautes-Terres-du-Cap-Breton
- Parc national du Canada Kejimkujik
- Parfait Bank
- Parishs Beach
- Park Ledge
- Park Point
- Parkdale
- Parkdale
- Parker Meadows
- Parker Meadows
- Parker Meadows
- Parker Point
- Parker Road
- Parkers Cove
- Parkers Island
- Parkers Meadows
- Parks Beach
- Parks Hill
- Parks Island
- Parks Meadow
- Parks Point
- Parliament Rock
- Parrsboro
- Partridge Island
- Partridge Island
- Partridge Island
- Partridge Island Beach
- Partridge Point
- Passage Bull
- Passage Ground
- Passage Island
- Passage Islands
- Passage Rock
- Passage Rock
- Passage Shoal
- Passchendaele
- Pat McBride Hill
- Pat Shoal
- Patate Island
- Patch Rock
- Patricks Head
- Pats Hole
- Pats Meadow
- Pats Point
- Pats Rock
- Patterson Point
- Pattersons Point
- Pattersons Point
- Paul Websters Island
- Pauls Island
- Pauls Island
- Pauls Meadow
- Pauls Point
- Payson Meadow
- Payzant Meadows
- Pea Island
- Pea Island
- Peaked Rock
- Peale Island
- Pearl (Green) Island
- Pearl Island Wildlife Management Area
- Pearls Island
- Peart Point
- Peas Brook
- Peases Island
- Peases Island Ledge
- Peck Meadow
- Peck Meadow Corner
- Peddlar Rock
- Peebles Point
- Peeps Ledge
- Peggy Island
- Peggy Island
- Peggy Point
- Peggys Cove
- Peggys Cove Lighthouse
- Peggys Point
- Peggys Point Lighthouse
- Pellerins Ledge
- Pellier Island
- Pellier Point
- Pembroke
- Pembroke
- Pembroke
- Pembroke Beach
- Penaul Island
- Pender Shoal
- Penhorn Lake Beach
- Peninsula Point
- Peninsula Point
- Peninsula Shoals
- Pennal 19
- Pennant Big Head
- Pennant Island
- Pennant Point
- Pennel Shoal
- Penny Mountain
- Pensey Head
- Pentz
- Peppers Rock
- Percys Point
- Peris Ledge
- Perotte
- Perros Island
- Perrys Island
- Pete Point
- Peter Island
- Peter Moores Hill
- Peter Point
- Peter Shoal
- Peter Stewarts Rock
- Peters Island
- Peters Point
- Petersfield Provincial Park
- Petit Nez
- Petit Nez Beach
- Petit Nez Shoal
- Petit-de-Grat
- Petit-de-Grat Island
- Petite Île
- Petite Rivière Bridge
- Petitpas Island
- Petpeswick Shoal
- Petries Ledge
- Petries Point
- Petries Point
- Petries Point
- Pettigrew Settlement
- Pettipas Bar
- Pettipas Island
- Petton Island
- Phalens Bar
- Phantom Point
- Philip Bar
- Philip Rocks
- Philips Harbour
- Philips Head
- Phillip Hill
- Phillips Mountain
- Phillips Mountain Lookoff
- Phillips Shoal
- Phinneys Cove
- Phinneys Rock
- Phoenix Island
- Phoenix Shoal
- Picket Hill
- Pickford & Black Wharf
- Pictou
- Pictou Banks
- Pictou Island
- Pictou Island
- Pictou Landing
- Piedmont
- Piel Hill
- Piel Point
- Pierces Beach
- Pig Island
- Pig Island
- Pig Island
- Pig Island
- Pig Islands
- Pigeon Head
- Pigeon Hill
- Pigeon Island
- Pigeon Point
- Pilgrims Point
- Pillar Rock
- Pillar Rocks
- Pilot Point
- Pilot Rock
- Pinauds Point
- Pinch Gut Island
- Pine Grove
- Pine Grove
- Pine Hill
- Pine Hill
- Pine Hill
- Pine Hill
- Pine Hill
- Pine Island
- Pine Point
- Pine Tree
- Pinehurst
- Pineo Beach
- Pineo Island
- Pineo Point
- Pinevale
- Piney Point
- Pink Rock
- Pinkney Hill
- Pinkneys Point
- Pinkneys Point
- Pinkneys Point
- Pinnacle Hill
- Pinnacle Island
- Pinnacle Rock
- Pinnacle Rock
- Pioneer Rock
- Pipers Cove
- Pipers Glen
- Pirate Harbour
- Piscatiqui Island
- Pistol Island
- Pitchers Farm
- Pitman Point
- Pitmans Beach
- Pitmans Island
- Pitmans Point
- Placeway Rock
- Plainfield
- Plaister Mines
- Plank Hill
- Plaster Cove
- Plaster Island
- Plaster Point
- Plaster Provincial Park
- Plaster Rocks
- Plaster Shore
- Plateau
- Pleasant Bay
- Pleasant Harbour
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Hills
- Pleasant Lake
- Pleasant Point
- Pleasant Point
- Pleasant Point
- Pleasant River
- Pleasant Shoal
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasantfield
- Pleasantville
- Plymouth
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Park
- Plympton
- Plympton Station
- Pockwock
- Point Aconi
- Point Aconi
- Point Betty
- Point Clear
- Point Cross
- Point Edward
- Point Edward
- Point Hill
- Point Hill
- Point Island
- Point Michaud
- Point Michaud
- Point Michaud Beach
- Point of Beach
- Point of The Beach
- Point Pleasant
- Point Prim
- Point Prim Lighthouse
- Point Roche
- Point Spot
- Point Tupper
- Point Tupper
- Pointe à la Grande Anse
- Pointe à la Petite Praire
- Pointe à Major
- Pointe à Roche
- Pointe à Siméon
- Pointe à Tom
- Pointe au Poulamon
- Pointe Brûlée
- Pointe des Maréchal
- Pointe du Havre
- Pointe du Loup
- Pointe Du Sault
- Pointe Du Sault
- Pointe Enragée
- Pointe Noire
- Poirierville
- Polletts Cove Beach
- Pollock Ground
- Pollock Ground
- Pollock Ground
- Pollock Ledge
- Pollock Lump
- Pollock Point
- Pollock Rock
- Pollock Shoal
- Pollock Shoal
- Pollock Shoal
- Pollock Shoal
- Pollock Shoal
- Pollux Rock
- Pollux Shoal
- Polly Cove Rock
- Pollys Flats
- Pollys Meadow Beach
- Pollys Point
- Polson Mountain
- Polsons Brook
- Pomeroy Islands
- Pompee Point
- Pompees Head
- Pompeys Island
- Pomquet
- Pomquet
- Pomquet and Afton 23
- Pomquet Banks
- Pomquet Beach
- Pomquet Forks
- Pomquet Harbour Island
- Pomquet Intervale
- Pomquet Island
- Pomquet Point
- Pond Bar Point
- Pond Beach
- Ponds
- Pondville
- Pondville Beach
- Pondville Beach Provincial Park
- Pondville South
- Ponhook Lake 10
- Ponhook Points
- Ponhook Rim
- Ponys Point
- Poole Point
- Poor Island
- Poor Point
- Popes Harbour
- Popes Head
- Popes Hill
- Popes Rock
- Popes Shoals
- Poplar Grove
- Poplar Hill
- Poplow Point
- Porcupine Hill
- Porcupine Hill
- Porcupine Hill
- Porcupine Hill
- Porcupine Meadow
- Porcupine Point
- Pork Barrel Rock
- Pork Ledge
- Porper Point
- Port Ban
- Port Bickerton
- Port Bickerton Lighthouse
- Port Caledonia
- Port Clyde
- Port Dufferin
- Port Dufferin West
- Port Felix
- Port Felix East
- Port George
- Port Greville
- Port Hastings
- Port Hawkesbury
- Port Hebert Bird Sanctuary
- Port Hilford
- Port Hilford Beach
- Port Hood
- Port Hood Beach
- Port Hood Island
- Port Hood Island
- Port Hood Station Beach
- Port Howe
- Port Joli
- Port Joli Bird Sanctuary
- Port Joli Head
- Port L'Hebert
- Port La Tour
- Port Lorne
- Port Maitland
- Port Maitland Beach
- Port Maitland Beach Provincial Park
- Port Malcolm
- Port Medway
- Port Morien
- Port Mouton
- Port Mouton Head
- Port Mouton Island
- Port Philip
- Port Richmond
- Port Royal
- Port Royal
- Port Saxon
- Port Shoreham
- Port Wade
- Port Wallace
- Port Williams
- Port-Royal National Historic Site of Canada
- Portage
- Portapique
- Portapique Beach
- Portapique Mountain
- Portapique Mountain
- Porter
- Porter Island
- Porter Point
- Porter's Lake Provincial Park
- Porters Head
- Porters Lake
- Porters Ledges
- Porters Point
- Porters Point
- Portnova Islands
- Portobello
- Portree
- Portuguese Cove
- Portuguese Shoal
- Post Mountain
- Pot Point
- Pot Rock
- Pot Rock
- Pot Rock
- Potato Field Point
- Potato Island
- Potato Island
- Potato Island
- Potato Island
- Potato Ledge
- Pothier Point
- Pothiers Island
- Potters Ledge
- Poulamon
- Poulamon Point
- Poule Island
- Poule Point
- Powells Head
- Powells Point
- Powells Point Provincial Park
- Power Island
- Power Shore
- Powers Island
- Powers Island
- Powers Point
- Premier Shoal
- Prescott Rock
- Presqu'ile
- Preston
- Prettys Island
- Price Point
- Prices Island
- Prices Point
- Pride Shoal
- Pride Shoal
- Priest Island
- Priest Point
- Prime Brook
- Prince Albert
- Prince of Wales Tower National Historic Site of Canada
- Princedale
- Princeport
- Princeport Road
- Princes Lodge
- Princeville
- Pringle Island
- Pringle Mountain
- Pringle Shoal
- Prior Island
- Prisoners Well Hill
- Privateer Island
- Privateer Ledge
- Privateer Rock
- Proctors Meadow
- Prospect
- Prospect
- Prospect Lighthouse
- Prospect Point
- Pubnico
- Pubnico
- Pubnico Beach
- Pubnico Ledge
- Pubnico Point
- Puddingpan Island
- Pudsey Point
- Puffer Shoal
- Pugwash
- Pugwash Bar
- Pugwash Junction
- Pugwash Point
- Pugwash Point
- Pugwash River
- Pumpkin Island
- Pumpkin Island
- Pumpkin Island Ledges
- Pumpkin Island Shoal
- Pumpkin Rock
- Purcells Cove
- Purcells Island
- Purcells Island
- Purdy Island
- Purdy Rock
- Purdys Island
- Purgatory Point
- Purlbrook
- Puttyroad Meadows
- Pyches Island
- Pyches Rock
- Pyches Rock
- Pyches Shoals
- Pye Point
- Pyes Island
- Quaker Island
- Quaker Island Lighthouse
- Quaker Shoal
- Quarry Island
- Quarry Point
- Quarry Point
- Quarry St. Anns
- Quays Hay Meadow
- Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre
- Queensland
- Queensland Beach
- Queensland Beach Provincial Park
- Queensport
- Queensville
- Quinan
- Quinan Meat Rock
- Quinces Glades
- Quinces Hill
- Quinns Meadow
- Quoddy Big Breaker
- Quoddy Head
- Quoddy Hill
- Quoddy Shoals
- Rabbit Island
- Rabbit Island
- Rabbit Island
- Rabbit Island
- Rabbit Point
- Race Point
- Race Point
- Race Point Ledge
- Rack Island
- Rack Island
- Rae Island
- Rafuse Bar
- Rafuse Island
- Rafuse Ledge
- Rafuse Point
- Ragged Harbour Great Island
- Ragged Head
- Ragged Head
- Ragged Islands
- Ragged Islands
- Ragged Ledge
- Ragged Ledges
- Ragged Point
- Ragged Point
- Ragged Reef
- Ragged Reef Point
- Ragged Rock
- Ragged Rocks
- Ragged Rocks
- Railway Pier (historical)
- Railway Wharf (historical)
- Railway Wharf (historical)
- Rainbow Haven
- Rainbow Haven Beach Provincial Park
- Raines Hill
- Rake Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island
- Ram Island Ledges
- Ram Islands
- Ram Rock
- Rams Horn
- Rams Island
- Rams Island
- Rams Ledge
- Ramsey Meadows
- Ramseys
- Ramseys Island
- RamsHead
- Ramshead Point
- Ranald Island
- Ranger Bluff
- Rankins Island
- Rankinville
- Ranteleau Point
- Rasley Meadow
- Raspberry Head
- Raspberry Hill
- Raspberry Island
- Raspberry Island
- Raspberry Island
- Raspberry Island
- Rat Island
- Rat Island
- Rat Island
- Rat Island
- Rat Rock
- Ratcliffe Hills
- Rattling Beach
- Raven Head
- Rawdon Gold Mines
- Rawdon Hills
- Raymonds Beach
- Raynardton
- Reach Hill
- Reads Rock
- Rear Balls Creek
- Rear Big Hill
- Rear Big Pond
- Rear Black River
- Rear Boisdale
- Rear Christmas Island
- Rear Dunvegan
- Rear Estmere
- Rear Forks
- Rear Judique Chapel
- Rear Judique South
- Rear Little River
- Rear Monastery
- Rear of East Bay
- Red Bank
- Red Bank
- Red Bank
- Red Bank
- Red Bank
- Red Bank
- Red Bank
- Red Bank
- Red Bank
- Red Bank Shoal
- Red Cape
- Red Cape
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Head
- Red Hill
- Red Hill
- Red Hill Point
- Red Island
- Red Island
- Red Island
- Red Islands
- Red Islands
- Red Islet
- Red Point
- Red Point
- Red Point East
- Red Point East
- Red Point West
- Red River
- Red Rock
- Red Rocks
- Red Rocks
- Redden Meadows
- Redden Rock
- Redman Head
- Redman Head
- Redman Meadow
- Redman Shoal
- Redmond Island
- Redmonds Hill
- Redmonds Point
- Reef Head
- Reef Island
- Reef Island
- Reef Island Bar
- Reef Ledge
- Reef Point
- Reef Point
- Reef Shoal
- Reeves Hill
- Refuge d'oiseaux d'Amherst Point
- Refuge d'oiseaux de Kentville
- Refuge d'oiseaux de la rivière du Sable
- Refuge d'oiseaux du Big Glace Bay
- Refuge d'oiseaux du lac Haley
- Regan Rocks
- Reid Hill
- Reid Rock
- Reids Hill
- Reids Island
- Reids Point
- Reids Timber Hill
- Reinhardts Swamp
- Renfrew
- Rent Point
- Reserve Mines
- Réserve nationale de faune de Chignecto
- Réserve nationale de faune de l'Île Sea Wolf
- Réserve nationale de faune de Sand Pond
- Réserve nationale de faune de Wallace Bay
- Reserve Rows
- Reynoldscroft
- Rhodena
- Rhodenizers Island
- Rhodes Corner
- Rhu Pillinn
- Richards Island
- Richards Meadow
- Richardsons Hill
- Richfield
- Richmond
- Richmond Road
- Ridge of Rocks
- Rileys Beach
- Rileys Island
- Rileys Little Island
- Rileys Rocks
- Ringdove Shoal
- Ringing Beach
- Rip Point
- Ripley Loop
- Rissers Beach
- Rissers Beach Provincial Park
- Rissers Point
- Ritchie Island
- River Bennet
- River Bourgeois
- River Centre
- River Denys
- River Denys Centre
- River Denys Mountain
- River Denys Road
- River Head
- River Hebert
- River Hebert East
- River John
- River Philip
- River Philip Centre
- River Ryan
- River Tillard
- Riverdale
- Riverhead
- Riverport
- Riversdale
- Riversdale
- Riverside
- Riverside
- Riverside
- Riverside Beach
- Riverside Corner
- Riverton
- Riverton Heights
- Riverview
- Riverview
- Riverville
- Rivulet
- Rixon Hill
- Roachvale
- Roarer Rocks
- Roaring Bull
- Roaring Bull
- Roaring Bull
- Roaring Bull Point
- Roaring Cow
- Roasts Hay Island
- Rob Richardsons Point
- Robar Rock
- Roberta
- Roberts Hill
- Roberts Island
- Roberts Island
- Roberts Meadows
- Roberts Mountain
- Robin Point
- Robins
- Robinson Corner
- Robinson Point
- Robinsons Ball
- Robinsons Corner
- Robinsons Point
- Robinsons Point
- Robs Rock
- Rocco Point
- Roche à Chicot
- Roche à Frédéric
- Roche de Platte
- Roche Head
- Rochefort Point
- Roches à Marache
- Roches Pointues
- Rock Elm
- Rock of the Bay
- Rock of the Point
- Rock of the Point
- Rock on the Rip
- Rock Point
- Rock Point
- Rock Shoal
- Rock Shoal
- Rockdale
- Rocket Shoals
- Rockfield
- Rockingham
- Rockland
- Rockland
- Rockley
- Rocklin
- Rocksway Island
- Rockville
- Rockville Notch
- Rockwell Mountain
- Rocky Barren
- Rocky Bay
- Rocky Bluff
- Rocky Ground
- Rocky Head
- Rocky Island
- Rocky Island
- Rocky Islands
- Rocky Ledge
- Rocky Ledge
- Rocky Ledge
- Rocky Mountain
- Rocky Patch
- Rocky Pile
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Ridge
- Rocky Shoal
- Roddys Point
- Roderick Head
- Roderick Ridge
- Rodger Point
- Rodman Rock
- Rodmans Point
- Rodney
- Roger Island
- Roger Point
- Roger Point
- Roger Power Island
- Rogers Hill
- Rogers Hill Cross Roads
- Roman Catholic Cemetery
- Roman Valley
- Romkey Head
- Romkey Hill
- Romkey Hills
- Romkeys Point
- Ronnies Point
- Rood Head
- Rood Head Breaker
- Rook Island
- Rook Island
- Roop Point
- Roost Island
- Rooster Hill
- Rope Net Head
- Rory Charlies Mountain
- Rose
- Rose Bay
- Rose Lead Point
- Rose Meadow
- Rose Point
- Rose Rocks
- Rose Shoal
- Roseburn
- Rosedale
- Roseland
- Roseway
- Roseway Beach
- Roslin
- Ross Beach
- Ross Corner
- Ross Ferry
- Ross Point
- Ross Point
- Ross Shoal
- Rossendale
- Rossway
- Rough Mountain
- Roulston Corner
- Round Hill
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Round Island Ledge
- Round Island Nubble
- Round Island Point
- Round Island Shoal
- Round Islands
- Round Mountain
- Round Mountain
- Round Point
- Round Point
- Round Rock
- Round Rock
- Round Rock
- Round Rock
- Round Rock
- Round Rock
- Round Rocks
- Round Shoal
- Round Shoal
- Round Shoal
- Round Shoal
- Round Shoal
- Round Shoals
- Rous Island
- Rous Point
- Rous Shoal
- Rouses Point
- Rowe Meadow
- Rowters Point
- Roxbury
- Roxville
- Roy Island
- Roy Ledge
- Rudder Place
- Rudderham Point
- Rude Shoal
- Rudeys Head
- Rudha Mor
- Rudolphs Hill
- Rudolphs Point
- Rum Island
- Rum Nubble
- Rum Point
- Rushtons Beach Provincial Park
- Russell Point
- Russell Point Shoals
- Russells Point
- Ryans Island
- Ryans Point
- Ryans Point
- Ryders Island
- Ryders Ledge
- Sabean Point
- Sable Island
- Sable Island Airport
- Sable Island Bird Sanctuary
- Sable Island East End Lighthouse
- Sable Island West End Lighthouse
- Sable Island, N. S.
- Sable River
- Sable River Bird Sanctuary
- Sable River Provincial Park
- Sable River West
- Sacrifice Island
- Sacrifice Rocks
- Saddle Island
- Saddle Island
- Saddle Island
- Saddle Islands
- Saddle Rock
- Saddle Rock
- Saddlers Hill
- Saddlers Point
- Sailors Head
- Saint Mary's University
- Saint Ninian
- Saint Paul Island Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System
- Saints Rest
- Saladin Point
- Salamander Rock
- Salem
- Salem Road
- Salisbury Island
- Salisbury Ledge
- Salisbury Point
- Sallys Beach
- Sallys Wash
- Salmon Brook Ridge
- Salmon Island
- Salmon Island
- Salmon Island
- Salmon Island
- Salmon Point
- Salmon Point
- Salmon Point
- Salmon River
- Salmon River
- Salmon River
- Salmon River Bridge
- Salmon River Lake
- Salmon River Road
- Salmon Rock
- Salmon Rock
- Salmon Rock
- Salmon Rocks
- Salmoneaux Point
- Salsman Provincial Park
- Salt Mountain
- Salt Rock
- Salt Rock
- Salt Springs
- Salt Springs
- Salt Springs
- Salt Springs Provincial Park
- Salter Head
- Salts Meadow
- Sam Crowells Hill
- Sambro
- Sambro Creek
- Sambro Head
- Sambro Island
- Sambro Ledges
- Sambro Light Vessel (historical)
- Sambro Lighthouse
- Sammys Barren
- Sammys Point
- Sammys Shoal
- Sampsons Cove
- Sampsons Rock
- Sampsonville
- Sams Ground
- Sams Island
- Sams Mountain
- Sams Point
- Sams Point
- Sams Point
- Sams Rock
- Samson Rocks
- Sand Banks
- Sand Bar
- Sand Beach
- Sand Cove Head
- Sand Cove Head Shoal
- Sand Cove Island
- Sand Cove Island
- Sand Cove Mountain
- Sand Cove Shoal
- Sand Hills Beach
- Sand Hills Beach Provincial Park
- Sand Lake
- Sand Point
- Sand Point
- Sand Point
- Sand Point
- Sand Point
- Sand Point
- Sand Point
- Sand Point Beach
- Sand Pond National Wildlife Area
- Sand River
- Sand Shoal
- Sand Shoal
- Sand Shoal
- Sand Shoal
- Sand Shoal
- Sandfield
- Sandford
- Sandwich Point
- Sandy Bay Beach
- Sandy Bay Landings
- Sandy Beach
- Sandy Beach
- Sandy Cove
- Sandy Cove
- Sandy Cove
- Sandy Cove Point
- Sandy Cove Point
- Sandy Cove Point
- Sandy Cove Rock
- Sandy Cove Shoal
- Sandy Desert
- Sandy Island
- Sandy Island Shoal
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Point Lighthouse
- Sandys Island
- Sandys Ledge
- Sandys Point
- Sandys Point
- Sangaree
- Sangaree Island
- Sarah Lees Point
- Saul Island
- Saul Island Lighthouse
- Saul Point
- Saulnierville
- Saulnierville Station
- Sauls Point
- Saunders Meadow
- Savage Cove Head
- Savage Point
- Savage Point
- Savary Provincial Park
- Sawlers Bank
- Scalp Rock
- Scanlans Island
- Scanlans Point
- Scanlans Point
- Scarsdale
- Scatarie Island
- Scatarie Island
- Scatarie Island Wildlife Management Area
- Scatarie Lighthouse
- Schaffer Meadows
- Schafners Point
- Schnare Point
- Schnares Beach
- Schnares Crossing
- Schnares Hill
- Schofield Meadow
- Schoolhouse Beach
- Schoolhouse Hill
- Schooner Passage Rock
- Schooner Point
- Schooner Pond
- Schooner Pond Head
- Schooner Rock
- Schooner Rock
- Schwartz Shore
- Scot Rock
- Scotch Head
- Scotch Hill
- Scotch Hill
- Scotch Hill
- Scotch Hill
- Scotch Lake
- Scotch Point
- Scotch Point
- Scotch Rocks
- Scotch Village
- Scotchtown
- Scots Bay Road
- Scots Bay, Kings Subdivision B
- Scots Fort National Historic Site of Canada
- Scotsburn
- Scotsville
- Scott Point
- Scott Rock
- Scotts Island
- Scout Island
- Scrabble Hill
- Sculpin Rock
- Sculpin Shoal
- Sea Dogs
- Sea Dolphin Shoal
- Sea Kings Point
- Sea Wolf Island National Wildlife Area
- Seabright
- Seabright Beach
- Seabrook
- Seafoam
- Seaforth
- Seagrove
- Seakelp Rock
- Seal Cove
- Seal Cove Head
- Seal Harbour
- Seal Harbour Marshes
- Seal Island
- Seal Island
- Seal Island
- Seal Island Ridge
- Seal Islands
- Seal Ledge
- Seal Ledge
- Seal Ledge
- Seal Ledge
- Seal Ledges
- Seal Ledges
- Seal Ledges
- Seal Ledges
- Seal Ledges
- Seal Point
- Seal Point
- Seal Point
- Seal Point
- Seal Point
- Seal Point Ledge
- Seal Reefs
- Seal Rock
- Seal Rock
- Seal Rock
- Seal Rock
- Seal Rock
- Seal Rock
- Seal Rock
- Seal Rock
- Seal Rock
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seal Rocks
- Seaview
- Seaview Point
- Seaview Point
- Seawall Hill
- Sebim Beach
- Seccombes Island
- Second Beach
- Second Island
- Second Peninsula
- Second Peninsula
- Second Peninsula Provincial Park
- Second Point
- Sefferns Meadow
- Seffernsville
- Seine Cove Rock
- Selfridge Corner
- Selig Island
- Seligs Point
- Sellars Head
- Selma
- Semmidinger Hill
- Sentinel Rock
- Seonaids Point
- Seven Islands
- Seventh-Day Adventist Church
- Seymour Point
- Sgurra Bhreac
- Shad Bar
- Shad Bay
- Shad Bay Breakers
- Shad Bay Head
- Shaffelburgh Hill
- Shaffelburgh Rocks
- Shag Cliffs
- Shag Harbour
- Shag Ledge
- Shag Ledge
- Shag Ledge
- Shag Ledge
- Shag Ledge
- Shag Ledge
- Shag Ledge
- Shag Ledges
- Shag Ledges
- Shag Point
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock
- Shag Rock Breaker
- Shag Rock Point
- Shag Rocks
- Shag Roost
- Shag Roost
- Shag Roost
- Shag Roost
- Shag Roost
- Shag Shoal
- Shagrock Point
- Shagrock Shoal
- Shallop Island
- Shallop Rock
- Shallop Rocks
- Shannon Island
- Shannon Park
- Shannons Flat Rock
- Shanty Hill
- Shark Rock
- Sharp Head
- Shaw Island
- Shaw Island
- Shaw Point
- Shawfield Point
- Shaws Bog
- Shaws Island
- Shaws Island
- Shaws Mountain
- Shaws Point
- Shearwater Airport
- Sheas Island
- Sheas Rock
- Sheas Rock
- Sheddley Point
- Sheehans Island
- Sheep Bar
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Island
- Sheep Islands
- Sheep Ledge
- Sheep Ledge
- Sheep Pen Point
- Sheep Point
- Sheep Point
- Sheepdog Point
- Sheepherders Junction
- Sheepskin Point
- Sheet Harbour
- Sheet Harbour 36
- Sheet Harbour Passage
- Sheet Harbour Road
- Sheet Rock
- Sheet Rock
- Sheet Rock Lighthouse
- Sheffield Mills
- Sheffield Vault Bluff
- Shelburne
- Sheldrake Lake
- Sheldrake Point
- Shellnut Shoal
- Shepherds Hill
- Shepherds Island
- Sheppards Island
- Sherbrooke
- Sherbrooke River Hill
- Sherewink Island
- Sherose Island
- Sherose Island
- Sherwood
- Sherwood Heights
- Sherwood Park
- Sherwood Point
- Shields Head
- Shiers Point
- Shingle Point
- Shingle Rock
- Shinimicas Bridge
- Shinimicas Provincial Park
- Ship Bar
- Ship Breaker
- Ship Harbour
- Ship Island
- Ship Ledges
- Ship Point
- Ship Rock
- Ship Rock
- Ship Rock
- Shipley Head
- Shipping Point
- Ships Stern
- Shipyard Point
- Shipyard Rock
- Shipyards Landing
- Shipyards Point
- Shivering Sticks
- Shoal Cove Head
- Shoal Ground
- Shoal Ground
- Shoal Ground
- Shoal Place
- Shoal Point
- Shoal Point
- Shoal Point
- Shoal Point
- Shoal Point
- Shoal Point
- Shoal Point Shoals
- Shoe Bridge Ledge
- Shooting Point
- Short Beach
- Short Point
- Shortens Point
- Shortliffes Point
- Shot Ledge
- Shotty Ledge
- Shubenacadie
- Shubenacadie 13
- Shubenacadie East
- Shubenacadie Game Sanctuary
- Shubenacadie Wildlife Management Area
- Shubie Park
- Shulie
- Shunacadie
- Shunacadie Beach
- Shut-in Island
- Shut-in Island
- Shut-in Shoals
- Sidon Hill
- Sight Point
- Sight Point
- Silica Mountain
- Silver Island
- Silver Mine
- Silver Point
- Silver Point
- Silver Point Road
- Silver Shoal
- Silvers Hill Park
- Silvers Island
- Simmons Island
- Simms Settlement
- Simon Briands Point
- Simons Island
- Simons Meadow
- Simons Point
- Simons Point
- Simons Shoals
- Simpsons Corner
- Sinclair Island
- Sinclairs Island
- Sinclairs Island Beach
- Sinclairs Ledge
- Sinclairs Point
- Sinnot Hill Park
- Sissiboo Falls
- Sister Rock
- Siteman Rock
- Siteman Rock
- Six Mile Brook
- Six Mile Road
- Skinner Meadows
- Skinner Point
- Skipper Hill
- Skir Dhu
- Skye Glen
- Skye Mountain
- Slab Point
- Slapfoot Beach
- Slate Cliff
- Slate Island
- Slate Rock
- Slaters Hill
- Slatterys Beach
- Slaughenwhite Island
- Slaughenwhite Point
- Slaunwhites Ledge
- Slaunwhites Shoal
- Sleepy Head
- Sleepy Shoal
- Slokums Island
- Sloop Rock
- Sloop Rocks
- Slough River Pinnacle
- Sluice Point
- Small Keatings Sand Beach
- Small Ledge
- Smashem Head
- Smelt Brook
- Smelt Brook Shore
- Smelt Hill
- Smileys Point
- Smileys Provincial Park
- Smith Cove
- Smith Island
- Smith Meadows
- Smith Mountain
- Smith Point
- Smith Point
- Smith Point
- Smith Point
- Smith Point
- Smith Rock
- Smith Settlement
- Smith Shoal
- Smith Shoal
- Smithfield
- Smithfield
- Smiths Beach
- Smiths Corner
- Smiths Cove
- Smiths Cove Look Off Provincial Park
- Smiths Hill
- Smiths Island
- Smiths Island
- Smiths Point
- Smiths Point
- Smiths Point
- Smiths Red Heads
- Smithson Rock
- Smithsville
- Smithville
- Smoke Point
- Smokey Mountain
- Smugglers Cove Provincial Park
- Snake Island
- Snake Island
- Snake Spit
- Snapper Shoal
- Snare Lake Bogs
- Snell Meadow
- Snell Meadow
- Snipe Island
- Snorting Rocks
- Snow Island
- Snows Island
- Snows Thrum
- Soapstone Mine
- Sober Island
- Sober Island
- Softwood Island
- Softwood Island
- Soi Point
- Soldiers Cove
- Soldiers Cove West
- Soldiers Ledge
- Soldiers Ledge
- Soles Hill
- Sollows Rock
- Solomans Island
- Solomans Island Ledge
- Sols Meadows
- Somerset
- Somerset
- Sonora
- Soup Rock
- South Alton
- South Angle Ledge
- South Athol
- South Bar
- South Berwick
- South Blue Hill
- South Branch
- South Branch Meadows
- South Brook
- South Brook Meadow
- South Brookfield
- South Canaan
- South Cape Highlands
- South Chegoggin
- South Coal Pier (historical)
- South Cove
- South Cranberry Island
- South Deerfield
- South East Passage
- South Easter
- South Farmington
- South Gooseberry Shoal
- South Greenwood
- South Harbour
- South Harbour Beach
- South Haven
- South Head
- South Ingonish Harbour
- South Lake Ainslie
- South Ledge
- South Lochaber
- South Maitland
- South Manchester
- South Meadow
- South Meadow
- South Merland
- South Middleboro
- South Milford
- South Mountain
- South Mountain
- South Mountain
- South Mountain
- South Ohio
- South Point
- South Point
- South Point
- South Point Breaker
- South Port Morien
- South Pugwash
- South Quinan
- South Range
- South Range Corner
- South Rawdon
- South River Lake
- South Rock
- South Rock
- South Salt Springs
- South Scots Bay
- South Section
- South Shoal
- South Shoal
- South Shoal
- South Shore
- South Side
- South Side Basin of River Denys
- South Side of Baddeck River
- South Side of Boularderie
- South Side River Bourgeois
- South Side River Denys
- South Side Whycocomagh Bay
- South Tremont
- South Uniacke
- South Victoria
- South Wallace Bay
- South Waterville
- South West Margaree
- South West Margaree Provincial Park
- South West Port Mouton
- South Williamston
- Southampton
- Southdale
- Southeast Bar
- Southeast Breaker
- Southeast Breaker
- Southeast Head
- Southeast Ledge
- Southeast Point
- Southeast Shoal
- Southeast Shoal
- Southeast Shoal
- Southeast Shoal
- Southeast Shoals
- Southeaster Ledges
- Southern Barren
- Southern End
- Southern Head
- Southern Head
- Southern Head
- Southern Head
- Southern Point
- Southern Point
- Southern Shoal
- Southside Antigonish Harbour
- Southside Whycocomagh Bay
- Southville
- Southwest Beach
- Southwest Breaker
- Southwest Breaker
- Southwest Breaker
- Southwest Breaker
- Southwest Breaker
- Southwest Breaker
- Southwest Breaker
- Southwest Breaker
- Southwest Breakers
- Southwest Breakers
- Southwest Bull
- Southwest Coachman
- Southwest Cove
- Southwest Cove
- Southwest Cove Shoal
- Southwest Ground
- Southwest Island
- Southwest Island
- Southwest Ledge
- Southwest Ledge
- Southwest Ledges
- Southwest Mabou
- Southwest Point
- Southwest Point
- Southwest Point
- Southwest Point
- Southwest Point
- Southwest Point
- Southwest Point
- Southwest Point Rocks
- Southwest Ridge
- Southwest Rock
- Southwest Shoal
- Southwest Tuffin Breaker
- Sow and Pigs
- Sow and Pigs
- Sow Ground
- Sow Rock
- Spa Springs
- Spanish Ship Bay
- Spar Ridge
- Sparhead Ledge
- Spark Island
- Spatz Theatre
- Spears Head
- Speck Island
- Speck Ledge
- Spectacle Island
- Spectacle Island
- Spectacle Island
- Spectacle Island Game Sanctuary
- Spectacle Islands
- Spectacle Islands
- Spectacle Islands
- Spectacle Islands Lighthouse
- Spectacle Lakes
- Spectacle Ledge
- Spectacle Ledge
- Spectacle Shoal
- Spectacle Shoals
- Spencers Island
- Spencers Island
- Spencers Island
- Spencers Point
- Spencers Point
- Sperrys Beach
- Sperrys Point
- Spidell Hill
- Spider Island
- Spider Island
- Spikes Hill
- Spinney Gully Island
- Spinney Hill
- Spinneys Heath
- Split Point
- Split Rock
- Split Rock
- Split Rock
- Splitnose Point
- Splitrock Point
- Spoon Island
- Spoon Ledge
- Sporting Mountain
- Sporting Mountain
- Spotted Mountain
- Spout Rock
- Spring Hill
- Spring Point
- Spring Point
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Springfield Lake
- Springhaven
- Springhill
- Springhill Junction
- Springside
- Springville
- Spritsail Ledge
- Spritsail Rock
- Spruce Island
- Spruce Island
- Spruce Island
- Spruce Point
- Spruce Point
- Spruce Point
- Spruce Point
- Spruce Point
- Spruce Point
- Spry Bay
- Spry Harbour
- Spry Point
- Spryfield
- Spurr Hills
- Spurr Meadows
- Spurrs Medicraft Lake Meadows
- Squally Point
- Squatter Bluff
- Squaw Island
- Squaw Point
- Squaw Point
- Squid Cove
- Squid Island
- Squire Point
- Squires Island
- Squirrel Island
- Squirrel Mountain
- Squirreltown
- St. Alphonse
- St. Andrews
- St. Andrews Channel
- St. Andrews River Meadow
- St. Anns
- St. Anns Beach
- St. Anns Lookoff
- St. Anns Provincial Park
- St. Benoni
- St. Bernard
- St. Catherines River
- St. Catherines River Beach
- St. Columba
- St. Croix
- St. Croix 34
- St. Croix Cove
- St. Esprit
- St. Esprit Beach
- St. Esprit Island
- St. Esprit Island Lighthouse
- St. Francis Harbour
- St. Georges Channel
- St. Georges Church Graveyard
- St. Helena Bar
- St. Helena Island
- St. Helena Island
- St. Joseph
- St. Joseph
- St. Joseph du Moine
- St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church (historical)
- St. Margaret Village
- St. Martin
- St. Marys
- St. Marys Bay Shoal
- St. Marys River
- St. Patricks Channel
- St. Paul Island
- St. Paul Island North Point Lighthouse
- St. Paul Island South Point Lighthouse
- St. Pauls
- St. Peter's
- St. Peters Canal National Historic Site of Canada
- St. Peters Island
- St. Peters National Historic Site of Canada
- St. Rose
- Staceys Beach
- Stage Island
- Stage Island
- Stanburne
- Stanley
- Stanley
- Stanley Point
- Stanley Section
- Stanley Shoal
- Stanley Shoals
- Stanwoods Beach
- Staples Brook
- Stapleton Meadow
- Stapleton Rock
- Stapleton Rock
- Star Island
- Star Island Ledges
- Star Point
- Starling Rock
- Starratt Point
- Starrs Point
- Starrs Point
- Stave Point
- Ste. Anne du Ruisseau
- Steadman Meadows
- Steadmans Point
- Steam Mill Village
- Steamboat Island
- Steeles Hill
- Steeles Island
- Steep Creek
- Steering Beach
- Steering Beaches
- Steering Hummock
- Steering Island
- Steering Ledge
- Steering Rock
- Stellarton
- Stem Island
- Step Island
- Step Shoal
- Stephens Island
- Sterling
- Steve Harpells Ground
- Stevens Head
- Stevens Mountain
- Stevens Point
- Stevens Rock
- Steves Shoal
- Stewart Hill
- Stewartdale
- Stewarts Hill
- Stewarts Island
- Stewarts Point
- Stewiacke
- Stewiacke Cross Roads
- Stewiacke East
- Stillman
- Stillwater
- Stillwater
- Stillwater Lake
- Stillwater Meadow
- Stillwater Meadows
- Stirling
- Stirling Brook
- Stocking Leg Shoal
- Stoddart East Meadows
- Stoddart Island
- Stoddart Ledge
- Stoddart Ledges
- Stoddart West Meadows
- Stoddarts
- Stoddarts Hill
- Stokes Head
- Stone Building Head
- Stone Horse
- Stone Rock
- Stonehorse Rock
- Stonehouse Point
- Stonehurst East
- Stonehurst West
- Stonewall Head
- Stoney Bar
- Stoney Beach
- Stoney Beach
- Stoney Beach
- Stoney Island
- Stoney Island
- Stoney Island Ledge
- Stoney Island Shoal
- Stoney Point
- Stoney Point
- Stoney Ridge
- Stony Beach
- Stony Island
- Stony Patch
- Stony Shoal
- Stopper Rock
- Stormont
- Story Head
- Stovepipe Island
- Strap Tub Rock
- Strathcona
- Strathlorne
- Strathlorne Station
- Strawberry Hill
- Strawberry Hill
- Strawberry Island
- Strawberry Island
- Strawberry Point
- Strawberry Point
- Streets Ridge
- Stronach Mountain
- Stronach Park
- Stroples Island
- Strum Island
- Strum Shoal
- Stuarts Island
- Stubbert Point
- Stubborn Head
- Stumpy Point
- Success Breaker
- Suffering Pond Head
- Sugar Camp
- Sugar Harbour Islands
- Sugar Ledge
- Sugar Loaf
- Sugar Loaf
- Sugar Loaf Island
- Sugar Refinery (historical)
- Sugarloaf
- Sugarloaf
- Sugarloaf
- Sugarloaf
- Sugarloaf
- Sugarloaf Hill
- Sugarloaf Hill
- Sugarloaf Hill
- Sugarloaf Mountain
- Sugarloaf Mountain
- Sugarloaf Mountain
- Sullivan Point
- Sullivans Meadows
- Sullivans Pond Park
- Summerside
- Summerside 38
- Summerville
- Summerville
- Summerville Beach
- Summerville Beach Provincial Park
- Summerville Centre
- Sunday Point
- Sundridge
- Sunken Island
- Sunken Lake
- Sunken Ledge
- Sunken Ledge
- Sunken Ledge
- Sunken Rock
- Sunken Rock
- Sunken Rock
- Sunken Rock
- Sunken Rocks
- Sunken Rocks
- Sunken Shoal
- Sunny Brae
- Sunnybrae Game Sanctuary
- Sunnybrook
- Sunnyville
- Sunnywood Point
- Sunrise
- Surettes Island
- Surettes Island
- Surf Point
- Survey Island
- Susies Island
- Sutherland Island
- Sutherland Islands
- Sutherland Point
- Sutherlands Head
- Sutherlands Mountain
- Sutherlands River
- Sutherlands Shoal
- Swallow Hill
- Sweat Islands
- Sweeney Point
- Sweetland
- Sweets Corner
- Swims Point
- Swindell Knob
- Swinimer Meadow
- Swissair
- Swivel Point
- Sydney
- Sydney
- Sydney 28A
- Sydney Forks
- Sydney Law Courts (historical)
- Sydney Mines
- Sydney Range
- Sydney River
- Sydney/J.A. Douglas McCurdy Airport
- Sylvan Valley
- Sylvester
- Sylvin Ledge
- Table Head
- Table Head
- Table Head
- Table Head
- Table Island
- Table Island Reefs
- Table Rock
- Tailor Shoal
- Talbots Point
- Tam O'Shanter Ridge
- Tamerons Ledge
- Tancook Island
- Tangier
- Tangier Island
- Tangier Shoal
- Tanner Hill
- Tanner Island
- Tanners Settlement
- Tantallon
- Tarbot
- Tarbotvale
- Target Hill
- Tarpaulin Island
- Tarr Cove Breaker
- Tarrio Ledge
- Tatamagouche
- Tatamagouche Mountain
- Tatamagouche Provincial Park
- Taylor Head Provincial Park
- Taylor Meadows
- Taylor Shoal
- Taylors Barren
- Taylors Goose
- Taylors Head
- Taylors Head
- Taylors Point
- Taylors Road
- Taylors Rock
- Tea Chest Island
- Teachers Thumb
- Teakettle Rocks
- Teal Pond Point
- Teal Pond Shoals
- Teals Island
- Telford
- Ten Mile Lake Provincial Park
- Tenerife Mountain
- Tennant Point
- Tennycape
- Terence Bay
- Terence Bay River
- Terence Bay Rock
- Terminal Beach
- Terra Nova
- Terrace Heights
- Terre Noire
- Tête à Milie
- The Bake Ovens
- The Ball
- The Bar
- The Bar
- The Bar
- The Bar
- The Bar
- The Bar
- The Bar
- The Bar
- The Barrachois
- The Barrens
- The Barrens
- The Barrens
- The Bassoon
- The Beefsteak
- The Bend
- The Big Barren
- The Big Grassy
- The Big Ridge
- The Big Sand
- The Big Spot
- The Bights
- The Blazes
- The Blinds
- The Blocks
- The Bluff
- The Bluff
- The Bluff
- The Bluff
- The Bluff
- The Boarsback
- The Boarsback
- The Brother Rocks
- The Brothers
- The Brothers
- The Brothers
- The Budget
- The Budget
- The Bull
- The Bull
- The Bull
- The Calf
- The Calves
- The Cape
- The Carrying Place
- The Castle
- The Cave
- The Chambers
- The Chew
- The Chimney
- The Chimney
- The Clam Flats
- The Clay Bank
- The Clump
- The Clump
- The Conch Beach
- The Cow and Calf
- The Cutdown
- The Dingle
- The Doughboy
- The Doughboy
- The Dreadnaught
- The Eastern End
- The Falls
- The Fiddler
- The Finger
- The Flat
- The Flat
- The Flats
- The Flats
- The Flats
- The Frenchman
- The Frenchman
- The Friar
- The Gardens
- The Goose
- The Grampus
- The Gravel Bar
- The Gullies
- The Hawk
- The Hay Cock
- The Head
- The Head
- The Hickey
- The High Barrens
- The High Barrens
- The High Head
- The High Hill
- The Hogsback
- The Hole in The Vault Cave
- The Horn
- The Horseshoe
- The Hubbub
- The Hummock
- The Intervale
- The Intervale
- The Island
- The Islands Provincial Park
- The Jolt
- The Keppoch
- The Knob
- The Ledge
- The Ledge
- The Ledges
- The Little Islands
- The Little Punk
- The Loading Ground
- The Lodge
- The Long Rock
- The Long Swamp
- The Lookoff
- The Lookoff
- The Lump
- The Lump
- The Madeline
- The Marsh Bar
- The Meadow
- The Meadow
- The Meadows
- The Meadows
- The Moll
- The Monster
- The Monument
- The Moors
- The Mount
- The Narrows
- The Niblet
- The Nightcap
- The Nub
- The Nubble
- The Nubic
- The Nubs
- The Old Bull
- The Old Bull
- The Old Cow
- The Old Cow
- The Old Hen
- The Old Man
- The Old Wife
- The Old Woman
- The Overfall
- The Pancake
- The Peak
- The Peninsula
- The Peninsula
- The Peninsula
- The Peninsula
- The Peninsula
- The Pinnacle
- The Pinnacle
- The Pinnacle
- The Pinnacle
- The Point
- The Point
- The Point Rocks
- The Points West Bay
- The Portage
- The Promised Land
- The Puffer
- The Rampers
- The Ridge
- The Rocher
- The Rock
- The Rock Pile
- The Rocking Stone
- The Salvages
- The Sand Bar
- The Sand Bar
- The Sand Dunes
- The Sand Spit
- The Seawall
- The Shoals
- The Shoughbac
- The Sisters
- The Sisters
- The Sisters
- The Sisters
- The Sisters
- The Sisters
- The Sisters
- The Slough Hole
- The Spindle
- The Spot
- The Squince
- The Stoneland
- The Sugarloaf
- The Sunker
- The Swale
- The Thoroughfare
- The Three Sisters
- The Thrum
- The Thrum
- The Tilly
- The Tongue
- The Turnip Patch
- The Varner Mountain
- The Washball
- The Washerwoman
- The Western Hounds
- The Wet Meadows
- The Whale
- The Whaleback
- The Whalesback
- The Whalesback
- The Whalesback
- The White Horse
- The Yankees
- Theodores Island
- Theriaults Point
- Thibeauville
- Thomas Head
- Thomas Meadows
- Thomas Shoal
- Thomasville
- Thompson Meadow
- Thompson Reid Meadow
- Thompsons Bluff
- Thompsons Ridge
- Thomson Station
- Thorburn
- Thorn Shoal
- Thorne Shoal
- Thornes Meadows
- Thornhill
- Three Brooks
- Three Fathom Harbour
- Three Fathom Shoal
- Three Fathom Shoal
- Three Fathom Shoal
- Three Fathom Shoal
- Three Headed Rock
- Three Mile Plains
- Three Rocks
- Three Rocks
- Three Sisters
- Three Top Island
- Thrum Cap
- Thrum Cap
- Thrum Cap
- Thrum Cap
- Thrum Cap
- Thrum Caps
- Thrum Point
- Thrum Rock
- Thrumcap
- Thrumcap
- Thrumcap Island
- Thrumcap Island
- Thrumcap Island
- Thrumcap Island
- Thrumcap Ledge
- Thrumcap Rock
- Thrumcap Shoal
- Thrumcap Shoal
- Thundering Hill
- Tickeys Shoal
- Tickle Island
- Tickle Islands
- Tiddville
- Tidmarsh Island
- Tidney Meadows
- Tidnish
- Tidnish Bridge
- Tidnish Cross Roads
- Tidnish Dock Provincial Park
- Tidnish Head
- Tilbury Rocks
- Tillard Point
- Tilleys Point
- Tillys Head
- Tillys Island
- Timber Island
- Timberlea
- Timmons Point
- Timmons Shoal
- Tims Island
- Tims Winging Point
- Tin Cove Head
- Tinker Shoal
- Tinkhams Island
- Tiny Hole Barrens
- Tipping Meadow
- Tittle Point
- Tittle Road
- Titus Ridge
- Tiverton
- Tobacco Island
- Tobacco Ledge
- Tobeatic Wildlife Management Area
- Tobins Head
- Toby Island
- Toby Point
- Todds Island
- Todds Island
- Tom Bank
- Tom Banks Island
- Tom Cod Rock
- Tom Cod Rock
- Tom Cod Shoals
- Tom Doddys Rock
- Tom Hill
- Tom Knowles Meadow
- Tom Pyes Bank
- Tom Rock
- Tom Slip Point
- Tomahawk Island
- Tomfool Shoals
- Tomkinsville
- Tomlee Head
- Tomlee Rock
- Tommys Beach
- Tommys Point
- Tommys Rock
- Tompkin Plains
- Toms Island
- Toms Meadow
- Toms Savannah
- Toney Mills
- Toney Point
- Toney River
- Tongue Point
- Tony Island
- Toots Point
- Toots Shoal
- Topstone Ledge
- Tor Bay
- Tor Bay Ledges
- Torbrook
- Torbrook East
- Torbrook Mines
- Torbrook West
- Torpey Bluff
- Torpey Island
- Torpey Ledge
- Totten Meadow
- Town Point
- Town Point
- Town Point
- Tracadie
- Tracadie Big Island
- Tracadie Road
- Trafalgar
- Trails Point
- Trap Point
- Trappeans Shoal
- Tree Island
- Treen Bluff
- Treen Point
- Tremont
- Trenholm Shoal
- Trenton
- Trenton Municipal A, N. S.
- Triangle Rocks
- Tribune Head
- Tribune Shoal
- Triford Head
- Trinidad Rock
- Trinity Ledge
- Troop Island
- Troop Point
- Trout Brook
- Troy
- Truemanville
- Truro
- Truro 27A
- Truro 27B
- Truro 27C
- Truro Heights
- Tucker Island
- Tucker Island Ledge
- Tuckers Head
- Tuckers Ledge
- Tuff Island
- Tuffin Bank
- Tuffin Island
- Tuffin Ledges
- Tuffin Shoal
- Tufts Cove
- Tumblin Island
- Tuppers Point
- Tupperville
- Turbalton Head
- Turbine Shoal
- Turf Island
- Turner Island
- Turner Island
- Turner Point
- Turner Shoal
- Turners Island
- Turners Point
- Turners Point
- Turners Shoal
- Turnip Island
- Turnip Island
- Turnip Point
- Turpentine Island
- Turple Head
- Turple Hill
- Turtle Head
- Turtle Rock
- Tusket
- Tusket Falls
- Tusket Islands
- Tusket Wedge
- Tweedies Point
- Twelve O'Clock Mountain
- Twin Ledges
- Twin Rock Valley
- Twin Rocks
- Twist Point
- Two Hour Rock
- Two Islands
- Two Islands
- Two Rivers
- Two Rivers Point
- Two Rivers Wildlife Provincial Park
- Two Rock Ledge
- Two Rock Point
- Tympanys Island
- Tyndal Road
- Uhlman Meadow
- Uhlman Point
- Umlah Hill
- Umlah Point
- Uncle Barrys Shoal
- Uncle Charlies Shoal
- Uncle Freds Meadow
- Uncle Matts Ledge
- Underpinning Ledge
- Uniacke Point
- Union Centre
- Union Corner
- Union Square
- Uplands Park
- Upper Afton
- Upper Barneys River
- Upper Bass River
- Upper Bay Shoal
- Upper Big Tracadie
- Upper Blandford
- Upper Branch
- Upper Brookfield
- Upper Brookside
- Upper Burlington
- Upper Burnside
- Upper Calf Island
- Upper Canard
- Upper Carney Rock
- Upper Cheaters Head
- Upper Chelsea
- Upper Clarence
- Upper Clements
- Upper Clements Game Sanctuary
- Upper Clements Provincial Park
- Upper Clyde River
- Upper Duck Rocks
- Upper Dyke Village
- Upper Economy
- Upper Falmouth
- Upper Fox Island
- Upper Frost Island
- Upper Glencoe
- Upper Grand Mira
- Upper Granville
- Upper Gulf Shore
- Upper Hammonds Plains
- Upper Kempt Head
- Upper Kemptown
- Upper Kennetcook
- Upper Kingsburg
- Upper LaHave
- Upper Lakeville
- Upper Lawrencetown
- Upper Ledge
- Upper Leitches Creek
- Upper Linden
- Upper MacLeods Point
- Upper Malagash
- Upper Margaree
- Upper Middle River
- Upper Mount Thom
- Upper Musquodoboit
- Upper Nappan
- Upper New Cornwall
- Upper New Harbour
- Upper Nine Mile River
- Upper North River
- Upper North Sydney
- Upper Northfield
- Upper Ohio
- Upper Onslow
- Upper Point
- Upper Pompeys Island
- Upper Pomquet
- Upper Port La Tour
- Upper Rawdon
- Upper River Denys
- Upper Sackville
- Upper Smithfield
- Upper South River
- Upper Southwest Mabou
- Upper Springfield
- Upper Stewiacke
- Upper Tantallon
- Upper Vaughan
- Upper Washabuck
- Upper Wedgeport
- Upper West Pubnico
- Upper Wharf Rock
- Upper Whitehead
- Upper Woods Harbour
- Urbania
- Urquharts Point
- Vacant Land Meadows
- Vache Shoals
- Vacons Point
- Valley
- Valley Cross Roads
- Valley Elementary School
- Valley Mills
- Valley Road
- Valley Station
- Valleyview Provincial Park
- Vaughan
- Verges Point
- Vermont Rock
- Vessel Island
- Victoria
- Victoria Beach
- Victoria Beach
- Victoria Bridge
- Victoria Harbour
- Victoria Island
- Victoria Line
- Victoria Mines
- Victoria Park
- Victoria Pier (historical)
- Victoria Road
- Victoria Vale
- Victory
- Viewmount
- Vigneau Island
- Villagedale
- Virginia East
- Voglers Cove
- Voglers Island
- Vooght's Wharf (historical)
- Wabei Hill
- Waddens Cove
- Wagmatcook 1
- Wagner Point
- Wagners Beach
- Wake Up Hill
- Wakes Rock
- Waldeck
- Waldeck East
- Waldeck West
- Waldegrave
- Walden
- Walker Hill
- Walkers Head
- Walkers Hill
- Walkers Island
- Walkerville
- Wallace
- Wallace Bay
- Wallace Bay National Wildlife Area
- Wallace Bridge
- Wallace Bridge Station
- Wallace Grant
- Wallace Heights
- Wallace Highlands
- Wallace Hill
- Wallace Point
- Wallace Ridge
- Wallace River
- Wallace Station
- Wallaces Point
- Wallbrook
- Walsh Island
- Walsh Rock
- Walshs Island
- Walter Island
- Walton
- Walton Bar
- Walton Barrens
- Waltons Ridge
- Wanderer Grounds
- Ward Point
- Wards Brook
- Wards Rock
- Warners Hill
- Warren
- Warrens Ground
- Warrens Ledge
- Warrens Shoal
- Warwick Mountain
- Warwick Mountain
- Washabuck Bridge
- Washabuck Centre
- Washball Rock
- Wasson Bluff
- Wasting Rocks
- Waterford
- Watering Brook Hill
- Watering Cove Head
- Waterloo
- Watermans Meadows
- Waternish
- Waterside
- Waterside Beach Provincial Park
- Watervale
- Waterville
- Waterville-Cambridge-Grafton
- Watford
- Watsons Beach
- Watsons Point
- Watsons Yard Island
- Watt Meadows
- Watt Point
- Watt Section Sheet Harbour
- Wattie Rock
- Waugh Shoal
- Waughs River
- Waverley
- Waverley Game Sanctuary
- Weagle Island
- Weagle Point
- Weasel Hill
- Weatherbies Bank
- Weatherbies Point
- Weatherbies Spit
- Weaver Island
- Weaver Settlement
- Weavers Ledge
- Webb Rock
- Webber Shoal
- Webbs Point
- Webbs Shoal
- Webbs Shoal
- Websters Corner
- Websters Island
- Websters Point
- Wedge Island
- Wedge Island
- Wedge Island
- Wedge Island Light (historical)
- Wedge Point
- Wedge Shoal
- Wedgeport
- Wedgeport Cape
- Wedgewood
- Weed Pond Beach
- Weedy Meadow
- Weir Meadows
- Weir Swamp
- Well Point
- Wellesley Rock
- Wellington
- Wellington
- Wellington
- Wellington Barracks (historical)
- Wellington Station
- Welsford
- Welsford
- Welsh Island
- Welsh Point
- Welsh Point
- Welshtown
- Welton Landing
- Weltons Corner
- Wendells Island
- Wentworth
- Wentworth Centre
- Wentworth Creek
- Wentworth Provincial Park
- Wentworth Station
- Wentworth Valley
- Wentzells Island
- Wentzells Lake
- Wentzells Lake Provincial Park
- Wentzells Point
- West Advocate
- West Alba
- West Amherst
- West Apple River
- West Arichat
- West Arm Beach
- West Arm Tracadie
- West Baccaro
- West Bay
- West Bay
- West Bay Centre
- West Bay Road
- West Beach
- West Beach
- West Bear Point Ledge
- West Beech Hill
- West Berlin
- West Black Ledge
- West Branch River John
- West Branch Shoals
- West Brook
- West Brook Point
- West Brooklyn
- West Bull
- West Bull
- West Caledonia
- West Cape
- West Chezzetcook
- West Cliff
- West Clifford
- West Cooks Cove
- West Dalhousie
- West Dover
- West Dublin
- West Earltown
- West East River
- West End
- West Erinville
- West Gibbs Island
- West Glenmont
- West Gore
- West Green Harbour
- West Halls Harbour Road
- West Hansford
- West Havre Boucher
- West Head
- West Head
- West Head
- West Head
- West Head Shoal
- West Indian Road
- West Inglisville
- West Inglisville
- West Intervale
- West Ironbound Island
- West Ironbound Island Lighthouse
- West Jeddore
- West LaHave
- West Lake Ainslie
- West Lakevale
- West Lawrencetown
- West Lawrencetown
- West Leicester
- West Linden
- West Linwood
- West Liscomb
- West Lochaber
- West Middle River
- West Middle Sable
- West Money Island
- West Montrose
- West New Annan
- West Northfield
- West Paradise
- West Pennant
- West Petpeswick
- West Point
- West Point
- West Point
- West Point
- West Point
- West Pubnico
- West Pugwash
- West Quoddy
- West River
- West River Meadows
- West River Station
- West Roachvale
- West Shag Cliff
- West Sheet Harbour
- West Shoals
- West Side
- West Spectacle Island
- West Springhill
- West St. Andrews
- West Tarbot
- West Tatamagouche
- West Weagle Island
- West Wentworth
- Westchester Mountain
- Westchester Station
- Westchester Valley
- Westerly
- Western Bar
- Western Bar Island
- Western Barren
- Western Beach
- Western Beach
- Western Breaker
- Western Breaker
- Western Breaker
- Western Frying Pans
- Western Gun Landing Cove Head
- Western Halfmoon
- Western Head
- Western Head
- Western Head
- Western Head
- Western Head
- Western Head
- Western Head
- Western Head
- Western Head Lighthouse
- Western Head, N. S.
- Western Island
- Western Islands
- Western Islands
- Western Ledge
- Western Ledges
- Western Lobster Claw
- Western Lump of Little Darby
- Western Middle Grounds
- Western Point
- Western Point
- Western Point
- Western Point
- Western Point
- Western Red Head
- Western Rocks
- Western Shagroost
- Western Shagroost Breakers
- Western Shoal
- Western Shoal
- Western Shoal
- Western Shore
- Western Way Ledges
- Westfield
- Westhaver Beach
- Westhaver Island
- Westhavers Island
- Westmount
- Weston
- Westphal
- Westport
- Westville
- Weymouth
- Weymouth Falls
- Weymouth Mills
- Weymouth North
- Whale Back
- Whale Back
- Whale Cove Chuckle
- Whale Island
- Whale Island
- Whale Island
- Whale Island Bar
- Whale Point
- Whale Point
- Whale Rock
- Whale Rock
- Whale Rock
- Whale Rocks
- Whale Shoal
- Whaleback
- Whaleback
- Whaleback Rock
- Whalens Point
- Whales Back
- Whalesback
- Wharf Point
- Wharf Rock
- Wharf Rock
- Wharton
- Wheelock Meadows
- Whelan Point
- Whelans Hole
- Whetstone Mountain
- Whipple Point
- Whistle Point
- Whistler Point
- Whistler Point
- White Capes
- White Cliff
- White Cliffs
- White Head
- White Head
- White Head Island
- White Head Island Lighthouse
- White Hill
- White Hill
- White Island
- White Islands
- White Islands
- White Knoll Ledge
- White Point
- White Point
- White Point
- White Point
- White Point
- White Point
- White Point
- White Point Beach
- White Point Island
- White Point Ledges
- White Point Rock
- White Point Shoal
- White Rock
- White Rock
- White Rock
- White Rock
- White Rock
- White Rock
- White Rock
- White Rock
- White Rocks
- White Rocks
- White Rocks Ridge
- White Settlement
- White Shoal
- White Shoal
- White Shoal
- White Shoal
- White Shoal
- White Water
- Whiteburn Mines
- Whitehead
- Whitehead Breaker
- Whitehead Island
- Whitehorse Point
- Whitehorse Rock
- Whites Corner
- Whites Island
- Whites Lake
- Whites Point
- Whiteside
- Whitman Ledge
- Whitman Rock
- Whitney Pier
- Whitty Shore
- Whycocomagh
- Whycocomagh 2
- Whycocomagh Mountain
- Whycocomagh Portage
- Whycocomagh Provincial Park
- Whycocomagh Reserve
- Whynacht Island
- Whynachts Point
- Whynachts Point
- Whynots Island
- Whynotts Hill
- Whynotts Settlement
- Widgegum Islands
- Widow Point
- Widow Point
- Widows Point
- Wigwam Rock
- Wilburn
- Wild Cove Shoal
- Wild Pear Island
- Wildcat 12
- Wildwood Lake
- Wile Settlement
- Wiles Meadow
- Wiles Meadow
- Wileville
- Wilkie Sugar Loaf
- William E. DeGarthe Memorial Provincial Park
- William Point
- William Shoal
- Williams Head
- Williams Island
- Williams Point
- Williams Point
- Williamsdale
- Williamswood
- Willies Head
- Willies Hill
- Willneffs Islands
- Willow Hill
- Willowdale
- Wilmot
- Wilson Hill
- Wilson Island
- Wilson Meadow
- Wilson Mountain
- Wilsons Cove
- Wilsons Island
- Wilsons Point
- Wilsons Shoal
- Winchester Point
- Windermere
- Windham Hill
- Windsor
- Windsor Forks
- Windsor Junction
- Windsor Road
- Wine Harbour
- Wine Head
- Wine Ledge
- Winging Point
- Winging Point
- Winging Point
- Winging Point
- Winging Point
- Winging Point Rocks
- Winging Point Shoal
- Winging Point Shoal
- Winter Island
- Winters Point
- Wintersons Point
- Wippy Rock
- Wisdom Head
- Witch Cove Point
- Witch Hazel Island
- Witch Island
- Wittenburg
- Wittenburg Mountain
- Wobamkek Beach
- Wolfe Island
- Wolfes Island
- Wolfes Landing
- Wolfes Point
- Wolfs Point
- Wolfville
- Wolfville Ridge
- Wolfville Ridge
- Wood Island
- Woodbine
- Woodburn
- Woodburn Station
- Wooded Island
- Woodfield
- Woodlawn
- Woodlawn Heights
- Woods Mountain
- Woodside
- Woodside
- Woodville
- Woodville
- Woody Island
- Woody Island
- Woody Island
- Woody Island
- Woozy Rock
- Worm Shoal
- Worths Rock
- Wraytons Shoal
- Wreck Beach
- Wreck Cliff
- Wreck Cove
- Wreck Cove
- Wreck Cove Point
- Wreck Cove Point
- Wreck Cove Rock
- Wreck Hill
- Wreck Island
- Wreck Island
- Wreck Island
- Wreck Point
- Wreck Point
- Wright Meadow
- Wright Point
- Wrights Meadow
- Wrights Meadow
- Wrights Point
- Wry Widow Rock
- Wyman Head
- Wyses Corner
- Wyvern
- Yankee Bank
- Yankee Cove Point
- Yankee Island
- Yankee Jack
- Yankee Line
- Yankee Rock
- Yankeetown
- Yarmouth
- Yarmouth 33
- Yarmouth Airport
- Yarmouth Bar
- Yarmouth Bar
- Yellow Head
- Yellow Hill
- Yellow Plaster Head
- Yellow Point
- Yellow Point
- Yellow Rock
- Yellow Rocks
- Yetter Park
- York Redoubt National Historic Site of Canada
- Yorke Settlement
- Young Island
- Young Island
- Young Ledge
- Young Point
- Youngs Cove
- Youngs Point
- Yowlers Point